This code is out of date, and I have no interest/incentive to keep it up to date. Use at your own risk. If you want to take this repo over, let me know, and I'll happily transfer it.
A program that enables sending Citizen Label printer PRN data directly to the label/barcode printer. Designed to be connected to from a webpage using websockets or another utility running on the computer with the ability to connect to a websocket.
This program runs on the local computer running windows 7 or higher. This must be the same computer that the printer is plugged into.
Once installed, you can connect using any websocket client at ws://localhost:4000 and send the PRN data as a text stream. See example-client.js for a JavaScript client example.
npm install
node.exe service.js install
node.exe service.js uninstall
BSD 2-Clause License - See LICENSE.