MadWalnut / firefly-iii-dkb-csv-fix

Prepares a CSV file from DKB for import into Firefly III
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# Firefly III DKB CSV Fixer

Important: This program only processes legacy CSV exports from DKB. If you are generating your CSV exports through the new banking UI released in 2023, this program will not work. Please check the README here for up-to-date information on how to fix these new files. Unless a major bug is found, this application will not receive any more updates.


This application checks if a given file is a valid DKB transaction report (checking account or credit card). It then converts the file from ANSI to UTF-8, after removing several unwanted lines in order to prepare it for the Firefly III Data Importer.

These are the lines that are removed:

If you would like the removal of the lines to be an optional feature (e.g. to be enabled via a parameter like --removeCreditCardBill), let me know by opening an issue.


There are three options on how to get Firefly III DKB CSV Fixer.

Download Framework-independant binary

Head over to the release page and grab yourself the self-contained version for your system. Done.

Because Firefly III DKB CSV Fixer relies on .NET, these binaries are rather large as they contain the .NET Framework alongside the actual binary. If you want a single, small file you will have to use the Framework-dependant binaries.

Download Framework-dependant binary

DKB CSV Fixer requires the .NET runtime (or SDK). Install .NET 6.0 or higher from here (available for Linux, macOS and Windows). If you are on Windows, you may have the runtime installed already. You can check with dotnet --version.

Then, download the compiled release for your platform. You don't need the self-contained version.

Build from source

If you prefer to build yourself, see here.


  1. Download both CSV files from your DKB account (checking account and credit card).
  2. Call Firefly III DKB CSV Fixer by providing the path of the CSV file as the first parameter. If you are using Windows, here is a quick tip for a shortcut.
    FireflyFixTransactionReportDKB "C:\Path\To\The\CSV file.csv"
  3. Import as usual to the Firefly III Data Importer, using the import configuration. Remember that you may need to change import-account in the configuration files to match your Firefly III account IDs.

Windows Explorer Integration

You don't have to call the program manually via command line every time. You can integrate it into Windows Explorer, so when right-clicking on any CSV file, you will see the option Fix DKB export for Firefly. To achieve this, just add a few registry entries. The fastest way is to create an empty text file and copy these contents into the file:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



@="Fix DKB export for Firefly"

@="\"C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\PATH\\TO\\THE\\APPLICATION\\FireflyFixTransactionReportDKB.exe\" \"%1\""

Remember to change the path to the application!

Then save as a .reg file and execute it. You may need to restart your computer.


To remove this shortcut, just delete the keys from the registry.


Compiling yourself is easy. Just make sure you have at least .NET 6.0 SDK installed (download from here).

Download the source and cd into the project directory. Adapt the command to your needs:

dotnet publish --configuration Release --runtime win-x86 --output C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\dotnet --self-contained false

For more information on the dotnet publish command, see here.


If you get a .pdb file after publishing, you can add -p:DebugType=None as a parameter to your dotnet publish command. You don't need this file.

If you end up with multiple output files instead of one (e.g. .dll files), add this parameter to your dotnet publish command: -p:PublishSingleFile=true

Background information: Both these issues appear when you are not using the correct .csproj file from the repo. Copying that file next to your Program.cs should fix both.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


Icon made by Freepik from Flaticon.

Firefly III by James Cole.


Please see here.