Madfarm / Allrecipes-was-taken

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Allrecipes Was Taken

A. Description

Allrecipes Was Taken is a full-stack CRUD web application for hosting and sharing recipes fully equipped with accounts, authentication, details pages, all recipes page, my recipes page and more to come.

Allrecipes Was Taken's back-end architecture features a recipes router that uses RESTful routing to grab associated data. It also features an index router that uses google OAuth 2 in conjuction with Passport to add authentication for users

Allrecipes Was Taken is a coding project built by:
Katherine Sprague - Database Manger/Backend/Project Manager/Frontend
Kelvin Lanier - Frontend/Designer/Researcher/Backend
Anthony Scott - Backend/Researcher/Documenter/Github Owner

B. User Stories

As a user, I want to able to create recipes  

As a user, I want to be able to see my recipes and other people's recipes  

As a user, I want to know how long a recipe will take to cook  

As a user, I want to know how difficult a recipe is to cook before I buy all the ingredients  

As a user, I want to be able to update my own recipes  

As a user, I want to be able to delete my own recipes  

As a user, I want to be able to filter the recipes by time of day(breakfast, lunch, dinner)  

As a user, I want to be able to see recipes by category

As a user, I want to be able to see what other people rate a recipe on average  

C. Images





Using the app

Login Auth Index Add Recipe MyRecipe

D. Technologies Used


1. Bootstrap


1. Node.js
2. Express.js
3. mongoDB
4. Mongoose.js


1. Passport.js
2. google 0Auth 2

Planning & Organization

1. Trello

E. Getting Started

Allrecipes Was Taken

  1. Visiting the landing page will show you all the recipes made users on the site. If you want to add your recipes you will need to login.
  2. Click the login button and sign-in using Google
  3. Click the "Add Recipe" button. You will be redirected to a page with a form for creating a recipe. Fill out the form and click the "Add Recipe" button. Congratulations! You've made your first recipe.
  4. You can click "My Recipes" to be redirected to a page that shows all the recipes you've created on Allrecipes Was Taken. From this page, you can click "Edit Recipe" on any of your recipes to make changes to them. You can also click "Delete This Recipe" to delete that recipe.
  5. Click "Allrecipes Was Taken" to return to the home page that displays all the recipes made by every user. Using the dropdowns you can filter the recipes shown. Click any of the recipes shown to see the details of that recipe and leave a rating and comment

F. Next Steps - Icebox Features via Users Stories

As a user, I want to be able to customize my profile

As a user, I want to have the option to delete my account