BruhBot is a chatbot for use with the Discord chat service.
Other dependencies are listed in the Gemfile.
Install dependencies using the command:
sudo apt-get install git libav-tools imagemagick libmagickwand-dev ffmpeg
Run the command:
git clone yourfoldername
Go into the directory you just cloned into with:
cd /path/to/yourfoldername
Clone the plugins repository with:
git clone plugins
Install bundler by running the following command:
gem install bundler
Now run the command:
bundle install
to install all of the dependencies.
Make a copy of apikeys.json.sample and name it apikeys.json
Open apikeys.json and fill in the desired API keys.
Go through each plugin folder in plugins, and copy the sample config files to config.json and make any desired changes.
I recommend running using screen, so that you can have it run in the background while doing other things in the terminal.
Install screen with:
sudo apt-get install screen
Navigate to the folder where you cloned the project, and run:
screen -S BruhBot
You can replace BruhBot with whatever name is easy for you to remember.
You will be in a screen. Run the command:
ruby bot.rb
or ./bot.rb
Hold control and press a and then d to disconnect from the screen.
To rejoin the screen run:
screen -r BruhBot
BruhBot would be the name of your screen if you changed it to something else in Step 3.
Hold control and press c in the screen to stop the bot, or run the !shutdown command in your Discord server.