Madzivhandila / Automation-Testing-UIpath-

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CMPG-323-Project-4---30332338 README FILE



Testing is a critical aspect of any solution, and it can be approached from various perspectives, including internal development team testing and business user acceptance testing (UAT). User Acceptance Testing, often referred to as UAT, plays a pivotal role in most development lifecycles as it serves as the ultimate 'go/no-go' decision point. UAT is primarily concerned with ensuring that the input provided to a solution yields the expected output. If the solution does not produce the desired output, it must be adjusted and retested before it can proceed to production.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) involves using technology to replicate human tasks, particularly those related to front-end or User Interface (UI) automation. RPA is commonly used to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, freeing up human resources to focus on more complex and creative tasks.

In the context of the web application developed in Project 3, before deploying it to production, it must undergo UAT. During UAT, a team of testers works with a test dataset containing input and expected output data. Testers input each dataset record into the web application's fields and verify that the expected output is generated. In this case, the expected output would be a new record displayed on the web application after adding the item. Automating this highly repetitive process with RPA is both efficient and recommended.



Functional Requirements

Functional requirements define the specific functionality a system must possess and how those functions should be executed.

Non-Functional Requirements

Non-functional requirements encompass aspects of a solution that impact the system's quality attributes or platform. These requirements support the implementation of functional requirements in line with good software practices.

Project Tasks

GitHub Administration

  1. Introduction to UiPath Document Understanding

  2. Advanced UI Automation in Studio

  3. Coded Automation for Testing


  1. 14 September Weekly Virtual Class Automation Introduction (2023) YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: 19 October 2023).
  2. RPA Uipath full course | RPA uipath tutorial for beginners | RPA course | RPA tutorial | Simplilearn (2021) YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: 19 October 2023).
  3. RPA: What is RPA | did you know RPA | RPA tutorial | what is robotic process automation how it works (2022) YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: 19 October 2023).
  4. How to generate a random number in Uipath (2021) YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: 19 October 2023). 5.Uipath read excel & enter the data into web form uipath RPA tutorial how to do automate google forms (2022) YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: 19 October 2023).
  5. Fill data from Excel on Web Form - Uipath RPA Tutorial (2021) YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: 19 October 2023).
  6. Uipath Studio: Your first process automation (2020) YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: 19 October 2023).
  7. Automating complex excel processes and data table through RPA #UIP (2017) YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: 19 October 2023).
  8. Uipath - how to add data to a new Excel column - full tutorial (2020) YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: 19 October 2023).
  9. Uipath tutorial day 1 : Introduction to uipath (2018) YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: 19 October 2023).