MagicCheese1 / Damage-Indicator

Minecraft Bukkit plugin for indicating damage dealt to entities
MIT License
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java maven minecraft minecraft-plugin paper paper-plugin spigot spigot-plugin

Damage Indicator

This is a plugin for Minecraft Bukkit/Spigot/Paper servers. It adds indicators that show how much damage you dealt to an entity.


  1. Download the newest release from the releases page

  2. Put the downloaded jar in your plugins folder

  3. Enjoy


You can find the config file at \plugins\DamageIndicator\config.yml. By default, it should look like this:

## Should the indicator be shown to everyone(true) or just the player who dealt the damage(false)
ShowToDamagerOnly: true

## The format for showing the damage
# Read about decimal formats to learn how to configure the indicator format.

# Hex colours are supported using the legacy format (e.g. &x&F&F&F&F&F&F to represent white), but may also be defined
# using a smaller version unique to the damage indicator plugin (e.g. &#FFFFFF to represent white). Note that the usage
# of 0's in the hex code would mess with the decimal formatting, hence they should be escaped using single quotes, such
# as this:
# IndicatorFormat: "'&#FFC300'-0.#&4❤"

# using Hex colours is optional. The legacy minecraft colour codes are still supported.
IndicatorFormat: "&7-0.#&4❤"
CriticalIndicatorFormat: "&c-0.#&4❤"
PoisonIndicatorFormat: "&7-0.#'&#5e8a24'❤"
BurnIndicatorFormat: "&7-0.#'&#f59e42'❤"

## The decimal format's locale (BCP47)
# This determines the locale used for formatting. The formatter uses this e.g. when deciding between a dot ('0.0')
# or a comma ('0,0') for decimal numbers.
FormatLocale: "en-US"

## For how long an indicator should be shown. (Use seconds)
IndicatorTime: 1.5

Commands and permissions

/damageindicator reload reloads the config. requires Damageindicator.admin


  1. Clone this repo
  2. open a terminal and type gradlew build
  3. The jar file is at /build/libs/DamageIndicator.jar


This repo is licensed under the MIT LICENSE