Magisk-Modules-Repo / com.piyushgarg.rclone

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Rclone Remount v1.8

Remount cloud storage locally during boot via rclone & fusermount directly on your Android powered smart device.

Virtually limitless storage expansion with support for dozens of cloud providers including Dropbox, GDrive, OneDrive, SFTP & many more. Extremely useful for devices without physical storage expansion capabilities. Also great for streaming large media files without need for full caching. Binaries compiled using Termux.

We are constantly striving to improve this project & make it the best. If you experience any issues or have suggestions please file them HERE. Contributions to this project are welcomed.


Configuration (pre-installing)

  1. Copy your rclone.conf file to /sdcard/.rclone/rclone.conf (not required)

  2. Add custom params at /sdcard/.rclone/.*.param (if needed)

  3. Install the module via Magisk Manager

  4. Run rclone config via term if additional setup required

  5. All your rclone mount points will show up under /mnt/cloud/ & /storage/cloud/ or /sdcard/cloud/

For more detailed configuration of rclone please refer to official documentation

Custom Params

Custom params have been created as a means for users to adjust this modules default parameters which are set for all remotes inside your rclone.conf.

Specification of rclone parameters on a per remote basis can be created inside hidden files ending with the .param extension


Where * is replaced with the name of remote

Custom Globals

Specification of global rclone parameters can be created in


Replacing & Adding Params

In order for users to appropriately utilize ADD_PARAMS= or REPLACE_PARAMS= they will need a little background on the parameters that are set by default.

Work Profiles & Users

As of v1.8 support for isolating & binding to work profiles or additional users has been included which may provide for some interesting use cases.

When adding work profiles through sandboxing apps such as Island or Shelter it will create a virtual SD for your sandboxed apps. This virtual SD can now be used with rclone remount.


Neither the author nor developer's will be held responsible for any damage/data loss that may occur during use of this module. While we have done our best to make sure no harm will come about, no guarantees can be made. Keep in mind the binaries included in this project were originally intended to be ran on PCs which may cause unforseen issues. Always check this document before updating to new releases as significant changes may occur.

















