With pip
the required python packages can be installed with requirements.txt
In the .env
the above are installed, for the parameters:
The data is not included in the repository. To download the data, run the following command in the data directory of the repository:
$ wget 'https://data.dtu.dk/ndownloader/articles/21762830/versions/1' -O temp.zip
$ unzip temp.zip
$ rm temp.zip
$ wget 'https://data.dtu.dk/ndownloader/articles/21316608/versions/3' -O temp.zip
$ unzip temp.zip
$ rm temp.zip
The data is split into training and test set, where the training set is split into training and validation set. The validatoin split is randomly chosen (with seed). The split can be configured in the train.py script. Test set containes no label information and the predicions of the model are submitted to the challenge.
The model can be selected by specifying the model name in the training_options. So far, the following models are implemented:
If further models are implemented, they can be added to the train_options dictionary in the train.py script.
The customized datasets and dataloader can be found in loaders.py. It randomly crops the data with a fixed patch size for training set and uses whole scenes for the validation and test set. Since loading the whole scene allocated a lot of memory, especially for more complex models like the unet_attention.py, we imlemented a method where
The training can be started by executing the train.py script. It can be configured within the script by specifying arguments in training_options. The training options are well explained within the script, with a special focus on specific options for slow hardware. The progess is logged to the mlflow server and best model, according to the combined score, is saved to the models directory. The model is saved as a pytorch state dict. The models directory also contains the training ooptions as pickle file and other relevat information. Our logs are also available in logs/. Next to the train.py file, we also have a a jupyter notebook with identlical use.
We evaluate after every epoch. If additional evaluation is needed, we can load an arbitrary model and evaluate it in the eval.py file. The validation can either be executed on whole scenes or on patches. This can come in handy if the used model is very complex and the memory is not sufficient to load the whole scene. The evaluation is also logged to the mlflow server.
We use MLFlow as a tracking tool for our experiments. The MLFlow server is either hosted on the EOxHub server or locally. The server can be accessed via the following link: https://mlflow.eox.at/. The server is also available via ssh tunneling. For the local server, the following command can be used:
$ mlflow ui --backend-store-uri sqlite:///mlruns.db --host
After starting the server, the UI can be accessed via http://localhost:5000. Additinal info on MlFlow can also be found in the quickstart_mlflow.ipynb file.
In case that the trained model wants to be submitted to the challenge, the model can be infered on the test set in test_upload.ipynb. The predicions are saved as a .nc file and can be uploaded to the challenge website.
Pizza Marinara
- 4-lvl u-net: 'unet_conv_filters': [16, 32, 32, 32]
(without mlflow)Pizza Margaritha
- 8-lvl u-net: 'unet_conv_filters': [16, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32]
(did only train till epoch 40 because of mlflow error)Pizza Basilico
- 8-lvl u-net: 'unet_conv_filters': [16, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32]
but with a lot more epochs (it has to be better than Marinara!)
is it after 100 epochs, the other one is the best model on the test scorePizza Quattro Formaggi
- 8-lvl u-net with transfer learning from Pizza Marinara
, regression loss, diagnostics output and reweighting sampler: 75 epochs
, 'unet_conv_filters': [16, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32]
Pizza Quattro Stagioni
- 6-lvl u-net with transfer learning from Pizza Marinara
(half the learning rate), regression loss, diagnostics output and reweighting sampler: 40 epochs
, 'unet_conv_filters': [16, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32]
Pizza Quattro Formaggi
Pizza Tre Stagioni
- 6-lvl u-net with transfer learning from Pizza Marinara
(half the learning rate), classification loss, diagnostics output and reweighting sampler: 40 epochs
, 'unet_conv_filters': [16, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32]
See the launcher for the quickstart mlflow
. I have added the mlflow
code to our quickstart script.
To connect to the github
repository on the EOxHub
it is necessary to run the following two commands every time a new session is started:
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_autoice
, maybe if two browsers access the cluster(batch_size, 12, patch_size, patch_size)