Mahlet-Inc / hobbits-cookiecutters

cookiecutter templates for projects using hobbits
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Hobbits Cookiecutters

This collection of cookiecutters simplifies the process of building plugins for Hobbits. Cookiecutters are templates that are meant to be used with the tool Cookiecutter.

Using Python Plugin Cookiecutters

Available python plugin cookiecutter directories are python-operator, python-analyzer, python-display, python-exporter, and python-importer


  1. Python
  2. Cookiecutter pip install cookiecutter

Creating and building an Operator plugin:

# Run cookiecutter to create the boilerplate code for the plugin
cookiecutter gh:Mahlet-Inc/hobbits-cookiecutters --directory python-operator

# Answer the prompts to name your plugin

# Place the generated folder into the python_operators folder where hobbits
# looks for plugins
mv py-operator ~/.local/share/hobbits/plugins/python_operators/

# plugin paths can be set in hobbits via the Edit->Preferences menu in the
# "Plugin Loader" section

Using C++ Plugin Cookiecutters

Available C++ plugin cookiecutter directories are operator, analyzer, display, importerexporter


  1. CMake, C++ Toolchain, and Ninja Build
  2. Python
  3. Cookiecutter pip install cookiecutter
  4. Conan pip install conan
  5. Conan remote with hobbits stuff
     conan remote add hobbits

Creating and building an Operator plugin:

# Run cookiecutter to create the boilerplate code for the plugin project
cookiecutter gh:Mahlet-Inc/hobbits-cookiecutters --directory operator

# Answer the prompts to name your plugin

# create a build directory
cd MyPlugin
mkdir build
cd build

# run Conan to get dependencies
conan install .. --build=missing

# build and install the plugin with CMake
cmake ..
cmake --build .
cmake --install .

# you can also manually install the resulting library into any of the folders
# that you have configured Hobbits to look for plugins. plugin paths can be set
# in the Hobbits GUI via the Edit->Preferences menu in the "Plugin Loader"
# section