MailOnline / formulae

"a general relationship, principle, or rule stated, often as an equation, in the form of symbols"
MIT License
12 stars 1 forks source link

Carthage compatible Swift 3.0 ß5 Platforms iOS

Note: The lib is currently in flux, so I would advise against using it.


formulae in a nutshell is able to generate observables (Property<T> and MutableProperty<T>) from a string. It does so in two steps:

  1. Generates a reverse polish notation representation from an input string via Dijkstra's [Shunting-yard algorithm] ( Something like 5 + x, in our intermediate representation, would look like this: [.constant(5), .variable("x"), .mathSymbol(.mathOperator(.plus)]
  2. It then transform the .variables into actual observable properties. Internally, it uses memoization to achieve this, since it needs to cache each newly created property and use it when an operation is about to be used. If it didn't cache each property, it would be impossible to chain and create dependencies between them (for example with y = x + 5 the variable y depends on x)

This approaches opens the door to dynamic UI's that rely in mathematical formulas in a simple and expressive way.


Imagine a scenario where we have one slider and a label that represents the sum of 10 plus the slider's value:

let y = "x + 10"

It's important to notice that y is a read only property (Property<T>) while x is read/write (MutableProperty<T>). The first step is to create a formula (a map between a variable and its equation):

let formula = ["x": "x", "y": "x + 10"])

It needs "x": "x", in order for formulae internal parser to understand that this is a readWrite observable. The second and final step is to create the observables:

let observables = createObservables(withFormula: formula)

   case .some(.readWrite(let propertyX)) = observables["x"],
   case .some(.readOnly(let propertyY)) = observables["y"]
else {

The output will be a chain of properties that respect what was described: y = x + 10.

// propertyY.value == 10 ( 0 + 10 )

propertyX.value = 1 // propertyY.value == 11 ( 1 + 10 )
propertyX.value = 2 // propertyY.value == 12 ( 2 + 10 )

Supported Operators

You can also use parenthesis: x * ( 2 + 3 )


formulae is licensed under the MIT License, Version 2.0. View the license file

Copyright (c) 2016 MailOnline