MaimonLab / SiffPy

Code for fast analysis of ScanImage .tiffs and .siffs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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For the latest documentation and guides, check the readthedocs:

Python and C++ code for working with .tiffs (Tag Image File Format) generated by ScanImage and .siffs (SImple Flim Format / ScanImage-FLIM format) generated by my custom modified ScanImage (currently reachable as a bunch of distributed repos but the core code being in PicoQuantScanImageTools).


Installing SiffPy

In some cases, if you're on the Rockefeller University network, and if you prefer to manage with conda, and if the latest version has been compiled and packaged, you can install with conda using a custom channel. You can install it with

conda install siffpy -c <path_to_maimondata01>/maimondata01/lab_resources/maimon-forge

Otherwise, it should install if you simply run python3 -m pip install . in your conda environment of your choice. Requires numpy.

To really spell it out:

Once you've downloaded it, please test it by running the testing version, at least until I start uploading it to conda-forge or PyPI or anywhere else that automatically runs the test suite.

python3 -m pip install ".[test]"
python3 -m pip install .

This will also compile the C extension module siffreadermodule that does most of the heavy lifting, stick the library into your path for this environment, and then make the SiffPy Python code accessible.

If you want to compile the file reader in debug mode, which logs most of its operations, please set the DEBUG parameter in to True. I will make this a command line option at some point, but for now figuring out the proper way to snag things from the command line with distutils/setuptools (instead of just pulling with sys.argv) is a little more work than I'm planning to do.

For now, siffpy just does alignment using the intensity images, rather than considering what source a photon is likely to have arrived from using FLIM. So it can be run on laptops with relative ease.


Using SiffPy

The primary object in SiffPy is the SiffReader class, which is usually imported with from siffpy import SiffReader at the start of a notebook. A SiffReader object handles I/O with a .siff or .tiff file to keep track of important file-specific variables as well as implements much of the boilerplate sort of code. It's defined in siffpy.core.SiffReader.


This module contains the main SiffReader Python object as well as functionality related to FLIM data (such as multiexponential fitting) and functionality related to image processing (such as image registration). TODO: Document me better!


This submodule analyzes traces, sometimes produced by other modules (like the SiffTrac headings) and returns array-like objects. Many plotter classes depend on functionality implemented here, but no functionality here depends on any part of SiffPy: it is purely numerical. This means these functions can be used on any array-like classes, and its tools (which return numpy.ndarray subclasses, or np.ndarrays themselves) can be used even if all other SiffPy functionality's dependencies are not present.

Handling data

FLIM data is mostly naturally stored in sparse arrays: most pixels are not important, most histogram bins do not have many entries. But once you start building 512 by 512 pixel arrays, each of which have a FLIM measurement depth of 1024 bins, the array sizes get large quickly (one frame of this size would be 536 MB... acquiring at 30 Hz would give you a 16GB array for every one second of imaging). Most of SiffPy's functionality is performed lazily, avoiding loading arrays into memory unless some pixelwise relationship between several arrays is really needed. The siffreader C++ module mostly takes a frames or frameslists argument that allows pooling of frames by index, and the siffpy Python API does its best to hide all the nitty-gritty of that process from the user.

More direct access to the data

The siffreader module contains lower-level access to the data, allowing you to directly get numpy arrays from .siff and .tiff files. To learn more, type import siffreader; help(siffreader) in your Python interpreter or in a Jupyter notebook.

Note: So far I've only really been testing functionality in Jupyter notebooks. Note that if you use Jupyter lab, there are a few incompatibilities with the plotting libraries matplotlib, bokeh, and holoviews. However, the core code for extracting the data will be unaffected and relies ONLY on numpy. These issues seem not to be an issue in VSCode's handling of notebooks, though VSCode can be fussy with bokeh.

Understanding .siff files

.siff files are built to use the skeleton of a .tiff, but instead of each byte (or set of bytes) reflecting a pixel value, they reflect a photon. As a result, all of the header and IFD structure of a .tiff is present (if you want to know what those are, feel free to look them up), and so .tiff readers can help you navigate the files if you want to build your own reader. The structure is as follows (TODO!!!).

Reading individual frames.

Note that each individual IFD, and corresponding frame, has an additional tag, with the tag ID 907, called SiffCompress. The SiffCompress flag is one byte, really one bit, reflecting whether that frame uses the compressed siff format or not. I expect that the future may hold other .siff formats, e.g. sparse count data (the standard .siff tag but without arrival time data, so twice as compact, that lapses into .tiff storage when that becomes more efficient), but probably not up to 255 of them.


An uncompressed siff stores every photon in 8 bytes, with the 2 largest bytes giving the y coordinate, next 2 largest giving the x coordinate, and 4 smallest bytes giving the photon arrival time. So the 8 bytes 00000000 00000110 00000000 00111011 00000000 00000000 00000000 11111111 would refer to a photon arriving in the 255th time bin in the pixel with y coordinate 6 and x coordinate 59. At present, only reading and writing with little endian is supported. Yes, I know this is bad. It's a small tweak to the code to make it both-endian compatible and I will do it before releasing a public-facing 1.0 version.


A compressed siff stores every photon in 2 bytes, corresponding only to the arrival time. This caps the number of arrival bins permitted at 65535, which with the current finest resolution of the MultiHarp 150 (5 picoseconds) means 327 nanoseconds. This is much longer than the time between 80 MHz laser pulses (12.5 nanoseconds) but puts a hard cap on the rep rate of reduction by pulsepicking using this format, with that cap being 3.05 MHz. The pixel identity of each photon read is stored just before the start of the frame, with essentially what a normal tiff file would contain: a y-size-times-x-size element array of uint16s, with each element corresponding to the number of photons in that pixel. The subsequent block of bytes is each photon, starting with y = 0 and increasing x, then resetting x to 0 and incrementing y to 1, and so forth.


The C/C++ code underlying direct interactions with the .siff filetype. It produces numpy.ndarray objects for image data as well as native Python objects for framewise (or experiment-wise) metadata. This mostly is for reading from the file, but there are a few "smart" things it does, like computing pixel-wise empirical lifetimes given a FLIMParams object.