MaistoV / UninaSoC

RISC-V soft-SoC extensible plaftorm for Xilinx FPGAs from University of Naples Federico II.
Apache License 2.0
4 stars 5 forks source link

[feature/core_integration_plus] #8

Closed Granp4sso closed 1 month ago

Granp4sso commented 1 month ago

[feature/core_integration] Add support for RISC-V cores and custom units.

MaistoV commented 1 month ago

Add some doc in hw/xilinx/ on how to import new custom IPs and use the RVM socket

E.g., comments such as which ports are supported by the RVM socket should be in this documentation or

The directory name must match the ip name in hw/xilinx/ips/common. Specifically, it must start with custom_; Use the file in the hw/units/template directory and fill the script to retrieve the rtl sources for the custom IP.