MaistoV / UninaSoC

RISC-V soft-SoC extensible plaftorm for Xilinx FPGAs from University of Naples Federico II.
Apache License 2.0
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RISC-V soft-SoC extensible plaftorm for Xilinx FPGAs from University of Naples Federico II.

NOTE: the name is temporary...

SoC Configuration Profile

The SoC comes in two flavors, hpc and embedded, with multiple boards supported for each configuration. Valid Soc Configuration and boards are:

soc_config board
embedded (Default) Nexsys A7-100T (Default)
embedded (Default) Nexsys A7-50T
hpc Alveo U250

Supported boards:




Build and Run:

The top-level Makefile can be used to build the System-on-Chip for the specific target board.

First, setup environment with:

source <soc_config> <board>

NOTE: If no input parameter is specificed, the embedded profile and the Nexys A7-100T are selected.

Then, download rtl sources for non-xilinx IPS

make units

Finally, build the SoC bitstream by running:

make xilinx

Simulation flow (TBD):

The choice of the simulator is driven by the choice of the IPs and required licenses. We target two simulation flows:

Environment and Tools Version

This project was verified on Ubuntu 22.04. W.r.t. the single tools: Tool Verified version
Vivado 2022.2/2023.1
Mentor Questa 2020.4
g++ TBD
Verilator TBD
gtkwave TBD

Documentation Index

If you need finer-grained documentation and insights to control the building flow, refer to the documentation:

Building and Loading Software



ES Project 2024

Basic projects:

  1. AXI Crossbar: Autogenerate linker script + Xilinx AXI crossbar address map from a configuration file
  2. AXI UART: Bare-metal driver xlnx axi uart in C, not asssemby
  3. JTAG2AXI: Verify jtag2axi integration
  4. Alveo porting: Port SoC on Alveo
  5. Bootrom: design and development
  6. DRAM: MIG IP (DDR) integration
  7. Interrupts: interrupt system design
  8. SPI flash: Integrate + PoC boot from SPI flash
  9. Debugger: JTAG debug core + OpenOCD/GDB
  10. Design probing: ILA integration in SoC flow

Advanced projects:

  1. Linux in-memory boot
  2. Linux SPI flash boot
  3. CoVe: extension implementation