MajesticBay / basement-studio

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Basement Studio - Front-End Project

This project is a front-end application for Basement Studio. It is built with React, and is deployed on Netlify.

Screenshot of the application

Live Demo

The main branch is deployed and can be accessed from here.


The design of the project can be found on Figma here.


The package.json file contains various scripts for managing the project:

  1. lint: Runs the eslint command on the current directory to check for and report any linting errors. Run the command using:

    npm run lint
  2. lint-fix: Runs the eslint command with the --fix flag which will automatically fix any fixable linting errors. Run the command using:

    npm run lint-fix
  3. start: Starts the development server. Use this command for running the application during development. Run the command using:

    npm run start
  4. build: Creates a production-ready build of the application. Use this command before deploying the application. Run the command using:

    npm run build
  5. test: Runs the test cases for the application. Run the command using:

    npm run test
  6. sass: Creates CSS from SCSS that located at src/scss:

    npm run sass


To set up the project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone <repo-url>
  2. Install the dependencies

    npm install
  3. Start the development server

    npm run start

Visit localhost:3000 in your browser to view the running application.