Majid-Derhambakhsh / ST7789

ST7789 LCD Library for ARM Cortex M (STM32) and AVR microcontrollers
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ST7789 LCD Library

ST7789 LCD Library for ARM Cortex M (STM32) and AVR microcontrollers


Version: 1.0.0


Initialization and de-initialization functions:

void ST7789_Init(void);

Operation functions:

/* .......................... Control .......................... */
void ST7789_SetRotation(uint8_t Rotation);
void ST7789_SetWindowAddress(uint16_t XStart, uint16_t YStart, uint16_t XEnd, uint16_t YEnd);
void ST7789_InvertColors(ST7789_InvTypeDef Invert);
void ST7789_TearEffect(ST7789_ColorModeTypeDef Tear);

/* ...................... Color Converting ..................... */
ST7789_ColorTypeDef ST7789_Color_GetFromRGB(uint8_t R, uint8_t G, uint8_t B);
ST7789_ColorTypeDef ST7789_Color_GetFromHex(uint32_t HexCode);

/* ........................... Fill ............................ */
void ST7789_Fill(uint16_t XStart, uint16_t YStart, uint16_t XEnd, uint16_t YEnd, ST7789_ColorTypeDef Color);
void ST7789_FillScreen(ST7789_ColorTypeDef Color);

/* .......................... Drawing .......................... */
void ST7789_DrawPixel(uint16_t XPos, uint16_t YPos, ST7789_ColorTypeDef Color);
void ST7789_DrawPixel_4px(uint16_t XPos, uint16_t YPos, ST7789_ColorTypeDef Color);
void ST7789_DrawLine(uint16_t XStart, uint16_t YStart, uint16_t XEnd, uint16_t YEnd, ST7789_ColorTypeDef Color);
void ST7789_DrawRectangle(uint16_t XStart, uint16_t YStart, uint16_t XEnd, uint16_t YEnd, ST7789_ColorTypeDef Color);
void ST7789_DrawFilledRectangle(uint16_t XPos, uint16_t YPos, uint16_t Width, uint16_t Height, ST7789_ColorTypeDef Color);
void ST7789_DrawCircle(uint16_t XPos, uint16_t YPos, uint8_t Radius, ST7789_ColorTypeDef Color);
void ST7789_DrawFilledCircle(int16_t XPos, int16_t YPos, int16_t Radius, ST7789_ColorTypeDef Color);
void ST7789_DrawTriangle(uint16_t X1, uint16_t Y1, uint16_t X2, uint16_t Y2, uint16_t X3, uint16_t Y3, ST7789_ColorTypeDef Color);
void ST7789_DrawFilledTriangle(uint16_t X1, uint16_t Y1, uint16_t X2, uint16_t Y2, uint16_t X3, uint16_t Y3, ST7789_ColorTypeDef Color);

/* ........................... Image ........................... */
void ST7789_PutImage(uint16_t XPos, uint16_t YPos, uint16_t Width, uint16_t Height, const uint16_t *Image);

/* ........................... Text ............................ */
void ST7789_PutChar(uint16_t XPos, uint16_t YPos, char Ch, ST7789_FontTypeDef Font, ST7789_ColorTypeDef Color, ST7789_ColorTypeDef BackgroundColor);
void ST7789_PutString(uint16_t XPos, uint16_t YPos, const char *Str, ST7789_FontTypeDef Font, ST7789_ColorTypeDef Color, ST7789_ColorTypeDef BackgroundColor);


- None 


This library can be used as follows:

1. Add st7789.h and st7789_font.h header

2. Add required headers and set up SPI and GPIO in st7789_conf.h header:

#include "spi.h"
#include "gpio.h"

#define ST7789_SPI             hspi1

#define ST7789_RST_GPIO_PORT   GPIOA
#define ST7789_RST_GPIO_PIN    0

#define ST7789_CS_GPIO_PORT    GPIOA
#define ST7789_CS_GPIO_PIN     1

#define ST7789_DC_GPIO_PORT    GPIOA
#define ST7789_DC_GPIO_PIN     2

#define ST7789_SPI_TIMEOUT     1000

3. Set DMA in st7789_conf.h header, for example:

// Comment the line if don't use DMA
#define ST7789_USE_DMA

#define ST7789_DMA_MIN_SIZE  16 // Minimum size of data length

4. Set Buffer in st7789_conf.h header, for example:


    The LCD Buffer length is determined as follows:


        - DMA needs the LCD Buffer to transmit packets
        - If your MCU RAM size is very low, disable DMA

        - Increase LCD Buffer length to LCD resolution size for increased speed (If MCU has enough RAM)


#define ST7789_HOR_LEN       5 // Buffer length factor

5. Set LCD width, Height, and rotation in st7789_conf.h header, for example:

#define ST7789_WIDTH     240
#define ST7789_HEIGHT    280
#define ST7789_ROTATION  2

6. Initialize ST7789, for example:


7. Use operation functions to show data on display, for example:

ST7789_PutString(0, 0, 'Hello', Font_7x10, ST7789_COLOR_BLACK, ST7789_COLOR_WHITE);


Example 1:

#include "main.h"
#include "spi.h"
#include "gpio.h"
#include "st7789.h"
#include "st7789_font.h"

int main(void)
    /* Initialize SPI, GPIO, and requirement hardware */

    /* ----------------- LCD Init ------------------- */

    /* ----------------- Show Text ------------------ */
    ST7789_PutString(0, 0, "Hello", Font_16x26, ST7789_COLOR_BLACK, ST7789_COLOR_WHITE);

    while (1)

Test Performed:

Developer: Majid Derhambakhsh