MakieOrg / MakieDraw.jl

Simple tools for drawing raster images, points, lines and polygons in Makie.jl.
MIT License
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Plot an interactive canvas of GeometryBaseics Point, LineString or Polygon, or an ms-paint style canvas for any numerical or color Array. These can be overlayed and activated/deactivated to have multiple drawing task on the same Axis.


Drawing into a DynamicGrids.jl game of life simulation

Example use cases


Or try this example over Tyler.jl tiles:

using MakieDraw
using GLMakie
using GeoJSON
using GeometryBasics
using GeoInterface
using TileProviders
using Tyler
using Extents
provider = Google(:satelite)

figure = Figure()
axis = Axis(figure[1, 1])

tyler = Tyler.Map(Extent(Y=(-27.0, 0.025), X=(0.04, 38.0)); 
    figure, axis, provider=Google()
categories = Observable(Int[])
point_canvas = GeometryCanvas{Point2}(; 
  figure, axis, properties=(; categories), mouse_property=:categories,
  scatter_kw=(; color=categories, colorrange=(0, 2), colormap=:spring)

line_canvas = GeometryCanvas{LineString}(; figure, axis)[] = false[] = true

poly_canvas = GeometryCanvas{Polygon}(; figure, axis)

layers = Dict(

MakieDraw.CanvasSelect(figure[3, 1], axis; layers)

# Write the polygons to JSON
# Have to convert here because GeometryBasics `isgeometry` has a bug, see PR #193
polygons = GeoInterface.convert.(Ref(GeoInterface), poly_canvas.geoms[])
mp = GeoInterface.MultiPolygon(polygons)
GeoJSON.write("multipolygon.json", mp)

# Reload and edit again
polygons = collect(GeoInterface.getgeom("multipolygon.json"))))
tyler = Tyler.Map(Extent(Y=(-27.0, 0.025), X=(0.04, 38.0)); provider)
fig = tyler.figure;
axis = tyler.axis;
poly_canvas = GeometryCanvas(polygons; figure, axis)

GeometryCanvas keys:

Cick to add, grab or drag points. Left/Right/Center can be used for data entry of 0/1/2 with the mouseproperty keyword.

Shift + click starts new lines and polygons.

Alt + click deletes points, hold and drag continues deleting them.

PaintCanvas keys:

Left click draws with fill_left, right click draws with fill_right.