Malak-Nabil / Fan-Controller-system

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Fan Controller system

This project aims to design a temperature-controlled fan system using the ATmega32 microcontroller, where the fan is automatically turned ON or OFF based on the temperature. The system uses an LM35 temperature sensor to provide continuous analog output, which is converted to digital values by the ADC in the microcontroller. The microcontroller then processes these values to control the fan speed and display the temperature on an LCD.


The Temperature-Controlled Fan System is a project designed to automatically regulate the speed of a fan based on the ambient temperature. It uses an LM35 temperature sensor to measure the temperature, which is then converted from analog to digital by the ADC in the ATmega32 microcontroller. The microcontroller processes this data to control the speed of a fan through PWM signals generated by Timer0 and displays the current temperature and fan state on an LCD.


• Temperature Monitoring: The LM35 temperature sensor continuously measures the ambient temperature.

• ADC Conversion: The analog signal from the LM35 is converted to a digital value by the ATmega32's ADC.

• Temperature Calculation: The microcontroller calculates the actual temperature from the ADC value.

• Fan Speed Control: Based on the temperature, the fan speed is adjusted using PWM:

LCD Display: The current temperature and fan state are displayed on an LCD.

Hardware Requirements

• ATmega32 Microcontroller

• LM35 Temperature Sensor

• 16x2 LCD Display

• DC Motor (Fan)

• Motor Driver

• Breadboard or PCB for assembly

• Connecting wires

• Power supply (5V for ATmega32 and 12V for the motor)



Setting Up the Simulation

• Open Proteus: Launch the Proteus design software.

• Load Project: Open the mini_project3.pdsprj file from the repository.

• Run Simulation: Start the simulation to see the Temperature-Controlled Fan System in action.

• Interact: Use the virtual temperature sensor to simulate different temperatures and observe the fan speed changes and LCD display updates.