Malechus / kic

GNU General Public License v2.0
0 stars 1 forks source link

CI/CD Plan

Main branch should be forked and merged to only for necessary hotfixes.

Dev branch will be pushed to production server monthly on the first Friday.

Dev branch should be forked for all feature updates and non-critical bugfixes

Any changes made directly to main branch will trigger an automatic downmerge to dev, if you need a clean copy of dev without this downmerge, branch from dev before pushing to main

Feature Contribution

  1. Create an issue in the project or pick an issue you'd like to work on
  2. Assign the issue to yourself
  3. Assign a priority and size
  4. Open a new branch from dev through the issue pane
  5. Checkout your new branch locally
  6. Make your changes and commit to your branch
  7. Open a PR to merge your branch into dev

App config

This webapp requires config files not included in this repo to protect sensitive account information. There is a copy in the codespace secrets of this project. To obtain these files contact Malechus at

Server info

Web server

Prod site *

Dev site