ZUnivers API python wrapper
module is not available on PyPi yet, so you can use the installation
python script to add required dependencies and add the module to your python site-packages
folder, making it globally available on your machine.
python installation.py
python3 installation.py
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
import pyZUnivers as ZU
class Zunivers(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
@commands.command(name="zuchecker", help="Permets de faire un récap' de qui à besoin de faire quoi.")
async def zuchecker(self, ctx: commands.Context):
server = self.bot.get_guild(<your_guild_id>)
zu_role = server.get_role(<specific_role_id_in_your_guild>)
journa, bonus, nowel = list(), list(), list()
msg = await ctx.send("Je vérifie qui doit faire quelque chose...")
for i in zu_role.members:
konar_profile = ZU.User.get_checker(i.name)
if not konar_profile["journa"]: journa.append(i.name)
if not konar_profile["bonus"]: bonus.append(i.name)
if not konar_profile["advent"] and konar_profile["advent"] is not None: nowel.append(i.name)
embed = discord.Embed(color=discord.Colour(value=0x19BC14), description=f"<#{ZU.utils.JOURNA_BONUS_TICKET_CHANNEL_ID}>")
embed.set_author(name="ZUnivers - Checker")
if len(journa) != 0: embed.add_field(name="📅 Journa", value="".join([f"- {x}\n" for x in journa]))
if len(bonus) != 0: embed.add_field(name="🎁 Bonus", value="".join([f"- {x}\n" for x in bonus]))
if len(nowel) != 0: embed.add_field(name="🎄 Advent", value="".join([f"- {x}\n" for x in nowel]))
if len(journa) == 0 and len(bonus) == 0 and len(nowel) == 0: embed.description = "Personne a besoin de faire quoi que ce soit."
await msg.edit(embed=embed, content="")
except ZU.ZUniversAPIError as e:
await msg.edit("`Erreur dans la command 'zu checker'."
f" {e.message}`\n`Endpoint: {e.url}`")
async def setup(bot):
await bot.add_cog(Zunivers(bot))