MaltepePowerPuffGirls / OpenAPITestImpl

Test python project for Talk2Note Backend Application
MIT License
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OpenAPITestImpl - Setup Guide

This guide walks you through setting up the Python project for the Talk2Note backend application, named OpenAPITestImpl.

Setting up Python Virtual Environment and .env File

Creating Python Virtual Environment (venv)
  1. Open Command Prompt (cmd) or PowerShell.
  2. Navigate to your project directory using cd command.
  3. Create Venv
    • Create (Kernel): python3 -m venv venv (Requires Python 3.x)
    • Create (Windows): python -m venv venv
  4. Activate
    • Activate (Kernel): source venv/bin/activate
    • Activate (Windows): venv/Scripts/activate
  5. Deactivate: deactivate

It's important to deactivate the virtual environment when you're finished to avoid conflicts with other projects that may have different dependency requirements.

Creating .env File

  1. In your project directory, create a new file named .env.
  2. Open in a text editor.
  3. Add environment variables in format KEY=VALUE. For example: OPENAI_API_KEY=my-special-key
  4. Save.

Installing Packages

After activating the environment, install the packages listed in the "requirements.txt" file. This file specifies the external libraries your project needs to run.

To install the required packages, run the following command after activating the virtual environment:

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

 Running Project

To run project need to call main file inside source (/src/

after activating virtual environment ~

python src/


Project configuration is handled from the OpenAI Roles configuration JSON file located at ${PROJECT_ROOT}/src/data/note-taker.json.

Make sure to replace ${PROJECT_ROOT} with the actual root directory of your project.


Congratulations you've completed all requirements. You can now test the project freely !.