ManageIQ / manageiq-rpm_build

Code to build RPMs for ManageIQ appliances and container images
Apache License 2.0
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ManageIQ RPM Build


Build history for master branch


This repository contains code to build RPMs for ManageIQ appliances and container images.

It performs the following tasks:


It produces the following rpms:

rpm contents
manageiq-appliance-tools empty
manageiq-gemset /opt/manageiq/manageiq-gemset/ gems, providers, ui-classic
manageiq-gemset-services manageiq-provider-*{.target,@.service}
manageiq-core vmdb/{app,certs,content,lib,product,systemd}
manageiq-core-services manageiq-*{.target,@.service}
manageiq-system /etc/{default,chron}, /usr/bin/evm*, system/{evm,miq}*.service
manageiq-appliance /etc/httpd/conf.d/manageiq-*, /etc/motd.manageiq
manageiq-ui vmdb/public/{assets,packs,ui}
manageiq-pods empty


Obtain container image for building RPMs

You can either download the latest build image or building a new one locally:

Typically the first example works best but if you are modifying which files end up in the rpm, the third example is the one you want.

Building a release

The github tag/branch is passed on the command line e.g.: --git-ref jansa. A few other options and explanations are availabe in build.rb for the basic installs.

docker run --rm manageiq/rpm_build:latest build --git-ref lasker --update-rpm-repo

For older builds, the git-ref is already stored in config/options.yml and not necessary.

docker run --rm manageiq/rpm_build:jansa-3 build --update-rpm-repo

Building a custom release

Sometimes it is necessary to build rpms with code from pull requests. This explains how to do that.

Defining build parameters

The options.yml points to the appropriate repos and tag/branches.

A typical options.yml will only override the source and the refs. This example uses branch feature1 from kbrock's github repo:

vi OPTIONS/options.yml
product_name:      manageiq
  ref:             master
    ref:           feature1
    ref:           feature1

The option file is brought into docker by mounting the directory with -v $(pwd)/OPTIONS:/root/OPTIONS

Using a custom NPM registry

Any of the keys in options.yml can be overridden.


The purpose of this process is to build code from manageiq-core, manageiq-gemset, and manageiq-appliance into 2 sets of artifacts:

One approach is to build and mount a volume that will receive all artifacts:

docker run --rm -v `pwd`/OPTIONS:/root/OPTIONS -v `pwd`/BUILD:/root/BUILD manageiq/rpm_build:latest build

Another approach is to build and copy out the desired artifacts:

docker run --name ${CONTAINER} -v `pwd`/OPTIONS:/root/OPTIONS manageiq/rpm_build:latest build
docker cp ${CONTAINER}:/root/BUILD/rpms/x86_64/ ./rpms/
docker rm ${CONTAINER}


Branch morphy == v13

Version Purpose Repo
13.0.0-20210708000051 nightly nightly
13.0.1-beta1 pre-release release
13.0.1-20210708000051 nightly nightly
13.0.2-rc1 pre-release release
13.1.0-0 release release
13.1.0-20210708000051 nightly nightly
13.2.0-0 release release
13.2.0-20210708000051 nightly nightly


This code is available as open source under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.