MangoAutomation / BACnet4J

BACnet/IP stack written in Java. Forked from
GNU General Public License v3.0
188 stars 111 forks source link


BACnet4J is a pure Java implementation of the BACnet specification. Originally developed for supervisory use, it now includes support for many objects and so may be suitable for embedded use as well. Protocols supported include IPv4, IPv6, and MS/TP. This library supports protocol Version 1 Revision 19.

A discussion forum for this package can be found at

Commercial licenses are available by contacting:

A public Maven Repository is now available with the latest builds add this to your pom.xml

        <name>Infinite Automation Snapshot Repository</name>
        <name>Infinite Automation Release Repository</name>

The maven coordinates for BACnet4J 5.0+ are


The dependency information is BACnet4J pre 5.0 is:



Version 6.0.1

Version 6.0.0

Version 5.0.2

Version 5.0.1

Version 5.0.0

Version 4.1.7

Version 4.1.6

Version 4.1.5

Version 4.1.4

Version 3.2.4

*Version 3.2.3

Version 3.2 release notes

Version 3.0 release notes

Version 2.0 release notes

The networking package of this product has been pretty much entirely rewritten to support MS/TP. These changes implied many changes to the LocalDevice public interface, so if you were using version 1.x you will need to port some code to upgrade.


This software is licensed under GPL. Commercial licensers can pay an upgrade fee to use this new version (2.x and later) commercially. Please contact Infinite Automation Systems Inc for more information on licensing: