ManoDaSilva / ESP32-Pocsag-Pager

Proof-of-concept Pager using a TTGO dev board. Will be merged with the "Waffle" project someday.
GNU General Public License v3.0
13 stars 6 forks source link

T-Beam boards #6

Open Michael-AUG opened 1 month ago

Michael-AUG commented 1 month ago

Hi there What a cool project. Do you know whether this will work with the LoRA T-Beam boards? Thanks Michael GM5AUG

Michael-AUG commented 1 month ago

Having taken a look at the code, it seems that the IO pins are configurable - would it just be a case of setting the IO pins accordingly?

ManoDaSilva commented 1 month ago

Hi! Yes, it should work as long as you have access to the DIO pins :)

Michael-AUG commented 1 month ago

image Thanks for the reply. This image shows the pinouts of the T-Beam. Are there any you would recommend I use? And if so, could you help me identify which bits of the code to alter? Thanks

Michael-AUG commented 1 month ago

It looks like GPIO34 is in use for the GPS - can we use another port instead? Maybe GPIO32?

ManoDaSilva commented 1 month ago

You can absolutely use any other GPIO for this purpose. You'll have to change those pins:

define LORA_DIO1 35

define LORA_DIO2 34


Michael-AUG commented 1 month ago

Ah, it looks like it isn't working. The T-Beam doesn't have WiFi, so it is throwing this error: image

ManoDaSilva commented 1 month ago

All ESP32s have Wifi, this is afaik caused by another issue, mentioned here:

Sorry won't be able to help much more, this project hasn't been maintained for some tome now...