ManoDaSilva / ESP32-Pocsag-Pager

Proof-of-concept Pager using a TTGO dev board. Will be merged with the "Waffle" project someday.
GNU General Public License v3.0
13 stars 6 forks source link


Proof-of-concept Pager using a TTGO dev board. Will be merged with the "Waffle" project someday.



Uses an ESP32 LORA32 TTGO. You must bridge DIO1 to pin 35 and DIO2 to pin 34 (broken out as LORA1 and LORA2 on the headers). I added a buzzer on pin 14, and plan to add buttons in the near future


Ideally, you should calibrate your SX1278 as it probably has an offset. Right now, best way would be to use a TXCO SDR and use another RadioLib sketch example to transmit a continuous signal and determine the offset from there. In config.h, change the RIC with yours, fiddle with the tones, and enjoy!

Next Steps