Mansoor8484 / smartcash-1

Project for CSI 2999.
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SmartCash – Documentation Project Description: SmartCash is a financial management tool that allows its users to analyze their funds by allocating their assets to different categories. SmartCash Technical Details: The front end was built using Java FX and a little bit of CSS. The back end was made using SQL database connections. We have multiple controller files calling methods created in other files enabling great OOP development. The folder calls the entirety of the project to be ran, like an executable file. A multitude of libraries were used to implement specific features like 2FA and our database.

User Manual:

Feature: Account Creation

• Create an account by clicking “Don’t have an account? Register Here”.

Feature: Account Login

• Login to your account with the credentials previously made. GUI 1: Overview Page • Displays an overview of your current account balances.

Feature: Account Composition pie chart

• Reactive pie chart reflecting your account balances.

Feature: Spending analysis pie chart

• Reactive pie chart reflective of the users spending habits.

Feature: Accounts over time graph

• Reactive graph showing account balances over time. GUI 2: Transactions Page • A comprehensive transactions report encompassing all your transactions, transfers, and adjustments. Also allows users to filter on the transactions report.

Feature: Add transaction button

• Allows users to add transactions reflecting the account they withdraw money from.

Feature: Account Composition pie chart

• Allows users to transfer funds from different accounts into other accounts. Ex) $5 checking -> credit card

Feature: Add adjustment

• Allows users to totally adjust(change) the value in their accounts.

Feature: Show Accounts filter

• A filter that allows users to filter on the transactions performed on each of their accounts.

Feature: Show categories Filter

• A filter that will filter on the types of transactions previously inputted. GUI 3: Budgeting Page • Allows users to create income and expense variables to help plan their finances. They can then view their mock summary on both the graph and the pie chart.

Feature: Add Income

• Allows a user to add a type of income and it gets added to the graph.

Feature: Add Expense

• Allows a user to deduct a certain amount from the income. This is also represented in the graph.

Feature: View Budget Summary

• Allows a user to see their total budget summary, displaying a pie chart of the income, expenses, and remaining balance. GUI 4: Security Page • This is where users can view their account credentials and enable 2FA on their account.

Feature: Account Details

• This will prompt a user for their password then re-route them to another page displaying their account credentials (username, password, account number and routing number).

Feature: 2FA

• A user will be able to enable 2Fa on their account, providing another security measure to lock down the user’s account.

Installation manual:

To run SmartCash on your local device, it would be best to first confirm that IntelliJ has been installed on your machine (this is the recommended IDE). Next, you can clone our repository to your local machine using this link: Navigate to this file: src/main/java/rebelalliance/smartcash/ Now, with the code base opened in IntelliJ, you can run this file (