Mantaseus / Huion_Kamvas_Linux

A python based user space evdev driver for Linux to use Huion Kamvas graphics tablets
MIT License
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Python based Linux driver for Huion Kamvas Pro devices

This is a userspace python based evdev driver for Huion Kamvas Pro devices so that they can be used on Linux machines which don't have officially supported driver.

I personally own a Huion Kamvas Pro 13 and I have tested this driver successfully with that device. The driver should hopefully also be usable with other Huion Kamvas devices, but they havn't been tested.

Feel free to open an issue if you ran into trouble or write me a message if you found this useful.


This script uses a simple YAML configuration file to give you control over how your graphics tablet interacts with your computer. This configuration file is located at ~/.kamvas_config.yaml.

With this driver you can:




You can create a default configuration file at ~/.kamvas_config.yaml using the following command

kamvas -c

You can edit ~/.kamvas_config.json file to define your custom settings for your graphics tablet. The config file allows you to define the following:

Known Issues