MantisAI / sagemaker-test

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DVC + MLFlow + Sagemaker training

This is an example project making use of three tools for managing machine learning workflows.

The project itself is a tensorflow based deep learning project that classifies IMDB movie reviews as either good or bad. The data is downloaded from Stanford University. The project also makes use of 50 dimensional word embeddings also from Stanford.


The rationale behind this project is as follows:

Some things that I would like to include, but haven't implemented yet:


Some Infrastructure

You will need the following bits of AWS infrastructure:

Terraform manifests for managing this infrastructure are included in ./terraform, but youc an also create it using the AWS console or CLI.

To create the infrastructure:

cd ./terraform
terraform init
terraform apply # type yes when prompted

The terraform creation will finished with some output values which will be required later, e.g.:


sagameker_ecr_repo_name =
sagameker_test_s3_bucket_name = sagemaker-test-20200727213242375500000001
sagemaker_role_arn = arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/sagemaker-exec-role

If using direnv, you can use these outputs to populate the REPO_URL and ROLE_ARN env vars in the .envrc file.

If you wish to experiment with using your own s3 remote for your data, so you get the full DVC experience, you will need to add the s3 bucket name as a remote to .dvc/config as described in the DVC documentation.

Getting started

Run the pipeline locally

Clone the project, create a virtual environment and activate it:

make virtualenv
source build/virtualenv/bin/activate

Next you must launch an ML Flow ui with:

NOTE: The env var MLFLOW_URI should be set to http://localhost:5000 to point to this server.

mlflow ui

This will create a server to collect your local experiment results. Ther server runs a web application at http://localhost:5000.

To run the dvc pipeline you will first need to get the word embedding. This can be done with dvc (Note that you need to have your AWS credentials accessible in this project either as AWS_PROFILE or with both AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY env vars set. If you don't have these set, you will experience a permissions error as this bucket is accessible only by authenticated AWS users).

dvc pull data/raw/glove.6B.50d.txt.dvc

To run the dvc pipeline from end to end:

dvc repro

Finally navigate to http://localhost:5000 in a browser. You should be able to see the training job that just completed. You will be able to look at the model parameters and metrics that result from this training job.

Update the pipeline artefacts on the remote

Now that the training job is completed, you should upload the model artefacts to remote storage. This is required for running a SageMaker job because the containers will download the data from s3 - the data is not packaged in the containers.

Update the .dvc/config file to reflect the following:

    remote = myremotebucket
['remote "muanalytics"']
    url = s3://muanalytics-public/sagemaker-test
['remote "myremotebucket"']
    url = s3://<bucket>/<folder>

Push the artefacts to your bucket with:

dvc push

Changing paramaters

Try changing a paramater in params.yaml, for example the number of epochs, and then re-running the process with:

dvc repro
dvc push

Running a job on SageMaker

In order to run a job on SageMaker you must build a docker container and push it the the Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repository that we created earlier with terraform.

There are two Dockerfiles provided here: one for CPU and one for GPU tasks. Dockerfile.cpu is a custom Dockerfile entirely for running tensorflow tasks on CPU. Dockerfile.gpu is based on a custom Dockerfile provided by Amazon for running GPU tasks on SageMaker. These images are relatively large, particularly the GPU version which weights in at some 5GB (there is probably scope for reducing this in future - but most of it comes from Amazon's base image).

Docker images can be built with docker-compose, but first we must make enviornment variables accessible to docker-compose by creating a .env file. We cannot pass environment variables to the containers at the point of running them, so some env vars must be hardcoded into the container at the point of build. The most important of these is the MLFLOW_URI. Obviously because we will be running the container on SageMaker, we must expose this API to the internet. The easiest way to do this is with ngrok.

After launching MLFLOW UI with mflow ui we can expose this to a url with ngrok http 5000. Ngrok will forward the port to a subdomain of, something like Copy this value from the ngrok command line tool into the MLFLOW_URI variable in .envrc.

NOTE: that a more sustainable way of doing this would be to set up a permanent MLFlow instance running on a remote instance or service, as in the present method we must rebuild the docker containers each time we change the ngrok address.

Make sure that you have also update the REPO_URL env var and VERSION if required. You can leave the INSTANCE_TYPE as local for now as we will test the job locally before attempting a run on SageMaker.

Once you are happy with the env variables set in .envrc, run make .env to populate these values into a .env file which will be read by docker-compose.

Create the docker images with:

sudo docker-compose build

We can now test the containers by running python src/ --no-gpu --instance-type local. Because the instance-type is set to local, this will execute a SageMaker job on the local machine.

NOTE: You may need to specify your python executable with: build/virtualenv/bin/python src/

Assuming all is well, we should try to execute a task on SageMaker itself. First we must push the containers we have built with:

make docker-login
sudo docker-compose push

Now run a remote task on SageMaker:

build/virtualenv/bin/python src/ --no-gpu --instance-type ml.c5.xlarge

To run a GPU task:

build/virtualenv/bin/python src/ --gpu --instance-type ml.p2.xlarge



Downloaded from with:

dvc get-url data/

If you are seeing:

botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the CreateTrainingJob operation: No S3 objects found under S3 URL "s3://muanalytics-dvc/sagemaker-test/09/fcd808fea1330310e94e430e4bd0d2" given
in input data source. Please ensure that the bucket exists in the selected region (eu-west-1), that objects exist under that S3 prefix, and that the role "arn:aws:iam::203149375586:role/sagemaker-execution-role" has "s3:ListBucket" permissions on bucket "muanalytics-dvc".

Try dvc push as it is possible that the version of the input files is out of date on the remote (muanalytics-dvc)]u