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Add "make primary" option into add need modal - admin portal #269

Closed bdalrymple closed 10 years ago

bdalrymple commented 10 years ago

modals are currently missing option to make the need the primary need.

screen shot 2013-09-10 at 12 42 36 pm

CacheFactory commented 10 years ago

I really think this should be a separate modal which does two things. 1. sets the time frame 2. confirms to the user that their current primary now be demoted to a regular need.

bdalrymple commented 10 years ago

users should be able to do all functions from one place. i'll make a ticket to remove the "make primary" option on the needs page and roll this back into the modal where it can be access through edit.

CacheFactory commented 10 years ago

This should just be a calendar. The time frame does not work for editing a need.