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BFI Unite4Good -

Note: All development should take place against the release_candidate branch.

Process / Server Dependencies

The app depends on the following external services or libraries:

Please consult documentation for your platform for getting these installed.

Getting Started

git clone unite4
cd unite4
git checkout release_candidate
cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
bundle install

At this point you will want to edit the config/database.yml file to include the database / authentication parameters local to your system.

Delayed jobs

We are using the delay_job gem to run async tasks. To start the job runner run

script/delayed_job start


We are using geoip functionality to find user's locations. If you a running on mac you will need to install geoip

brew install geoip

For linux users (debian/ubuntu):

sudo apt-get install libgeoip-dev

Setting up Development Data

bundle exec rake db:schema:load db:migrate db:seed db:populate_dev_data
bundle exec rake db:test:prepare

Running The Test Suite

We currently use guard for automated test running.

bundle exec guard start

If you want to run the test suite manually, you should before committing to release_candidate:

bundle exec rspec spec/

The master branch will always represent a stable release of what is on production.

The release_candidate branch should always be stable, and buildable, but will not necessarily reflect what is on production.

You can deploy release_candidate to staging as long as it is stable.

System Dependencies

The app depends on the following external services or libraries:

Please consult documentation for your platform for getting these installed. On MacOS you will generally want to use homebrew, on linux use apt-get

Getting Started

git clone unite4
cd unite4
git checkout release_candidate
cp config/database.yml{.example,}
cp config/settings{.example,}.yml
bundle install

At this point you will want to edit the config/database.yml file to include the database / authentication parameters local to your system.

Setting up Development Data

bundle exec rake db:create:all db:schema:load db:seed
bundle exec rake db:test:prepare

If you have your SSH key on our deploy box, you can take a snapshot:

bundle exec cap -T |grep snapshot
bundle exec cap snapshots:all

This will pull down not only the development data, but all of the relevant uploaded files as well

Running the Development Server

Once your development data is loaded, you should be able to develop against the server running locally on localhost:3000

bundle exec rails server

Running The Test Suite

We currently use guard for automated test running. You should have this process running the entire time you are developing, to catch any failures as you create them.

bundle exec guard start

If you want to run the test suite manually, which you should before committing to release_candidate:

bundle exec rspec spec/


To deploy release_candidate to staging you can run:

bundle exec cap deploy

Other options can be configured via -S:

bundle exec cap deploy -S branch=my_branch

This deploy depends upon ssh-agent forwarding, you'll need the following somewhere in you ssh_config (normally found in ~/.ssh/config)

  User deploy
  ForwardAgent yes