We need one place to put all the common names in a way that is easy to manipulate. We’re going to put it all into a single table with the following structure.
Languages: en, es, pt, de, fr, zh Current cmname count: 1,388,092 (as of August 4, 2014)
For now, I’m using the language ‘la’ to store the definitive list of species currently in Map of Life; I’ll delete it once I have a better way of storing lists in this system.
To pull out binomial names, I used:
UPDATE entries SET binomial = split_part(scname, ' ', 1) || ' ' || split_part(scname, ' ', 2);
To blank family, order and class names which ought to be blank
UPDATE entries SET tax_class = NULL WHERE tax_class = '';
UPDATE entries SET tax_order = NULL WHERE tax_order = '';
UPDATE entries SET tax_family = NULL WHERE tax_family = '';
GENUS: (only if binomial!)
UPDATE entries SET genus = split_part(scname, ' ', 1) WHERE
genus IS NULL
AND split_part(scname, ' ', 2) != '';
To fill in genera, you can use the following SQL, but it's probably a bad idea, as it means tax_genus comes from scname NOT from the source:
UPDATE entries SET tax_genus = split_part(binomial, ' ', 1) WHERE binomial != 0::text AND tax_genus IS NULL;
If you want to do that, there are exactly 41 rows you need to fix:
SELECT DISTINCT tax_genus, split_part(binomial, ' ', 1) AS tax_genus_implied FROM entries WHERE tax_genus IS NOT NULL AND lower(tax_genus) != lower(split_part(binomial, ' ', 1));
UPDATE entries SET cmname = trim(both from split_part(cmname, ',', 1)) WHERE cmname LIKE '%,%' AND source = 'Map of Life ''taxonomy'' table as of February 28, 2014'
cat mol_table.csv | csv -f 3-5,18-23,29-33,39-43,49-53,59-63,69-73,79-83 > higher_taxonomy.csv