MarcA711 / Rockchip-FFmpeg-Builds

MIT License
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FFmpeg Static Auto-Builds

Static Windows (x86_64) and Linux (x86_64) Builds of ffmpeg master and latest release branch.

Windows builds are targetting Windows 7 and newer.

Linux builds are targetting RHEL/CentOS 8 (glibc-2.28 + linux-4.18) and anything more recent.


Builds run daily at 12:00 UTC (or GitHubs idea of that time) and are automatically released on success.

Auto-Builds run ONLY for win64 and linux(arm)64. There are no win32/x86 auto-builds, though you can produce win32 builds yourself following the instructions below.

Release Retention Policy

Package List

For a list of included dependencies check the scripts.d directory. Every file corresponds to its respective package.

How to make a build


Build Image

Build FFmpeg

On success, the resulting zip file will be in the artifacts subdir.

Targets, Variants and Addins

Available targets:

The linuxarm64 target will not build some dependencies due to lack of arm64 (aarch64) architecture support or cross-compiling restrictions.

Available variants:

All of those can be optionally combined with any combination of addins: