Provides some example projects to show what the Wicket Spring Boot Starter project can do.
Project List:
- Basic simple example - link:/simple[simple]
** Minimal project setup with only a single HomePage.
- Spring Boot Devtools - link:/devtools[devtools]
** Added Sprinb Boot Devtools to auto reload the application on class changes.
- Spring Boot Actuator - link:/spring-actuator[spring-actuator]
** Adds a Wicket specific Wicket endpoint (http://localhost:8080/wicket) with information of the auto configuration
- Websocket - link:/websockets[websockets]
** Example project with native Websocket support. Open the Page in two browser tabs and fill the input.
- Annotationscan - link:/annotationscan[annotationscan]
** Example of Wicketstuffs Annotationscann
- Spring Security - link:/spring-security[spring-security]
** Autoconfiguration of Spring Security
- Bootstrap - link:/bootstrap[bootstrap]
** Example of using https://github.com/l0rdn1kk0n/wicket-bootstrap
- Internal Tests - link:/internal-tests[internal-tests]
** Only used for my internal tests
- Cluster - link:/cluster[cluster]
** Using Zuul as a loadbalancer. Using hazelcast for session and page replication
- Deploy to Servlet Container as war file