Marcamillian / WebSocketGameSessions

A client-server implementation of Secret Hitler hidden role game using web sockets [ | Unit Testing | Pure Functions | CSS Grid | Node ]
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WebSocketGame Sessions (Secret Hitler)

As a project to learn websockets and client/server architecture I recreated the hidden role game Secret Hitler as a web app.

The game uses node to maintain a game state on the server end with clients connecting through socketIO websockets to facilitate multiplayer gameplay.

Design Notes


Implementation Notes

API Reference

The app was designed to interface through any web socket - as such a collaborator has developed a client application in Unity in addition to the web interface included here.

As a result of this the Wiki feature of GitHub was used to provide an API reference -

Player Rejoin

Throughout testing the issue of players disconnecting and rejoining (creating a new websocket) was problematic. Due to this I implemented the library to expose express session data to the websocket and enable players to be dropped back into the game they were previously in.

Unit Testing

Extensive Unit testing was used throughout the server development to ensure no breaking changes were introduced.

GameState tool

Testing the client application became quite a chore as the game was required to be