Marchay / doodstream-PHP-library

Unofficial PHP library for
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Unofficial PHP API library for
Minimum PHP version : 5.5


doodstream.php needs to be included into the code and initialized using the following way:-

  $key = "your-key-here";
  $ds = new DoodstreamAPI();

Example Usage

  $ds = new DoodstreamAPI();
  $key = "your-key-here";
  $uploads = $ds->List("1", "100");  //Lists the first page of the recent uploads(100 per page as defined)

Example of uploading a file using API can be found inside example folder


Following are the functions supported by the library


Get's account Information

$ds->AccountInfo(); // No parameters required

Get's report of your account (default last 7 days)

$ds->AccountReport($last); // Optional Parameter:- last - Get repost of last x days

Get's DMCA reported files list (500 results per page)

$ds->DMCAList(); // No parameters required

Upload Local File to DoodSteam

$ds->Upload($tempfile, $type, $name); // Parameters(Required):-1) tempfile - Location of the file's temporary location on the server, called using $_FILES['video']['tmp_name']
                                     //                        2) type - Video Extention, called using $_FILES['video']['type'] 
                                    //                         3) name - Name you want to save the video with, needs to full name with extention for example :- Video1.mp4
Copy or Clone

Copy / Clone your's or other's file

$ds->Copy($file_code, $fld_id(Optional)); // Parameters:- 1)(Required) file_code - File code of the video you want to copy
                                         //               2)(Optional) fld_id - Folder ID to store inside
Remote Upload

Remote Upload (Add Link)

$ds->RUpload($url, $new_title(Optional)); // Parameters:- 1)(Required) url - URL to remote upload
                                         //               2)(Optional) new_title - Set a custom video title

Get Remote Upload List/Queue

$ds->RUploadList(); // No parameters required

Get Remote Upload File Status

$ds->RUploadStatus($file_code); // Parameters:- (Required) file_code - File code of the file in Remote Upload Queue

Get total & used remote upload slots

$ds->RUploadSlots(); // No parameters required
Remote Upload Actions

Restart Errors In Remote Upload List/Queue

$ds->RestartErrors(); // No parameters required

Clear All Errors In Remote Upload List/Queue

$ds->ClearErrors(); // No parameters required

Clear All Pending Files In Remote Upload List/Queue

$ds->ClearAll(); // No parameters required

Remove a Specific File from Remote Upload List/Queue

$ds->DeleteCode($file_code); // Parameters:- (Required) file_code - File code to be removed from Remote Upload List/Queue
Manage Folders

Create a folder

$ds->CreateFolder($name, $parent_id(Optional)); // Parameters:- 1)(Required) name - Name of the folder to be created
                                               //               2)(Optional) parent_id - Parent folder ID

Rename a folder

$ds->RenameFolder($fld_id, $name); // Parameters:- 1)(Required) fld_id - Folder ID
                              //               2)(Required) name - New name of the folder
Manage Files

Get List of Videos Uploaded with info

$ds->List($page, $per_page, $fld_id(Optional)); // Parameters:- 1)(Required) page - Pagination , page number from which results have to shown (1 for the most recent uploads; Ascending Order followed)
                                                  //        2)(Required) per_page - Max videos per page (Cannot be more than 200)
                                                 //         3)(Optional) fld_id - Show videos inside a specific folder 

Check status of an uploaded file

$ds->FileStatus($file_code); // Parameters:- 1)(Required) file_code - File Code

Get File Info

$ds->FileInfo($file_code); // Parameters:- 1)(Required) file_code - File Code

Get file splash, single or thumbnail image

$ds->FileImage($file_code); // Parameters:- 1)(Required) file_code - File Code

Rename a file

$ds->FileRename($file_code, $name); //Parameters:- 1)(Required) file_code - File Code
                                   //              2)(Required) name - New File Name

Search your files

$ds->Search($search_term); // Parameters:- 1)(Required) search_term - Search term

Remote Splash/Single Image (Functions returns embed link with added parameters)

$ds->CustomEmbedImage($code, $imgurl, $protected(Optional)); // Parameters:- 1)(Required) code/url - File code of the video OR insert an embed url of the video in the parameter(If using a url, make sure it includes https://, do not pass protected embed link)
                                                            //                2)(Required) imgurl - URL of the image you want to set as the splash/single image
                               //                 3)(Optional) protected - Return protected embed url if set this parameter to 1, defaults to Null/Static URL if not set. 

Remote subitles (custom subtitles; Functions returns embed link with added parameters)

$ds->RemoteSubtitles($code, $c1_file, $c1_label); // Parameters:- 1)(Required) code/url - File code of the video OR insert an embed url of the video in the parameter(If using a url, make sure it includes https://, do not pass protected embed link)
                                                 //                2)(Required) c1_file - Subtitle URL (srt or vtt)
                            //                 3)(Required) c1_label - Subtitle language or any lable

Remote subtitle JSON (Load multiple subtitles via URL in JSON format; Functions returns embed link with added parameters)

$ds->RemoteJSONSubtitles($code, $subtitle_json); // Parameters:- 1)(Required) code/url - File code of the video OR insert an embed url of the video in the parameter(If using a url, make sure it includes https://, do not pass protected embed link)
                                                //                2)(Required) subtitle_json - Multiple subtitle in JSON format  (Look at for example)