Marco15453-Archived / UIURescueSquad

EXILED [SCP:SL] Plugin that adds a new GOI to the game [FBI/UIU]
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UIU doesn't spawn with the correct ammo. #32

Closed SnivyFilms closed 1 year ago

SnivyFilms commented 1 year ago

Good Day. My UIU Members use 7.62x39mm ammo as they use Logisters and AKs. During a proper UIU respawn wave they do not spawn in with 7.62x39mm ammo, but when they are spawned in with cr give 20/21/22 (the IDs I have set for my UIU members) they have the ammo specified in the configs.

Attached is the config I have specifically for UIU


Is the plugin enabled.

is_enabled: true

Should debug messages be shown in a server console.

debug: false

How many seconds before a spawnwave occurs should it calculate the spawn chance

spawn_wave_calculation: 10

Options for UIU spawn:


How many respawn waves must occur before considering UIU to spawn.

respawns: 1
# The maximum number of times UIU Rescue Squad can spawn per game.
max_spawns: 1
# Probability of a UIU Squad replacing a MTF spawn
probability: 33
# The maximum size of a UIU squad
max_squad: 15
# UIU entrance Cassie Message
uiu_announcement_cassie: 'The U I U Squad designated {designation} HasEntered AwaitingRecontainment {scpnum}'
uiu_announcment_cassie_no_scp: 'The U I U Squad designated {designation} HasEntered NoSCPsLeft'
# NTF entrance Cassie Message (leave empty to use default NTF cassie entrance)
ntf_announcement_cassie: 'MTFUnit epsilon 11 designated {designation} hasentered AllRemaining AwaitingRecontainment {scpnum}'
ntf_announcment_cassie_no_scp: 'MTFUnit epsilon 11 designated {designation} hasentered AllRemaining NoSCPsLeft'
# Cassie Subtitles
subtitles: false

Options for UIU Leader:

uiu_leader: id: 20 role: NtfCaptain max_health: 150 name: 'UIU Leader' description: 'Help MTFs to finish their job' custom_info: 'UIU Leader' inventory:

I can get video's later of the issue.