A plugin that adds a new class to your server named "UIU Rescue Squad". Their job is helpping the NTF completing their task. They have a chance to spawn instead of a squad of NTF.
EXILED must be installed for this to work.
CustomRoles need to be enabled on your server for this to work.
Place the UIURescueSquad.dll
file in your EXILED/Plugins folder.
# Is the plugin enabled.
is_enabled: true
# Should debug messages be shown in a server console.
debug: false
Configs for UIU spawning options.
# How many respawn waves must occur before considering UIU to spawn.
respawns: 1
# The maximum number of times UIU Rescue Squad can spawn per game.
max_spawns: 3
# Probability of a UIU Squad replacing a MTF spawn
probability: 50
# The maximum size of a UIU squad
max_squad: 8
# UIU entrance Cassie Message
uiu_announcement_cassie: 'The U I U Squad designated {designation} HasEntered AllRemaining AwaitingRecontainment {scpnum}'
uiu_announcment_cassie_no_scp: 'The U I U Squad designated {designation} HasEntered AllRemaining NoSCPsLeft'
# NTF entrance Cassie Message (leave empty to use default NTF cassie entrance)
ntf_announcement_cassie: 'MTFUnit epsilon 11 designated {designation} hasentered AllRemaining AwaitingRecontainment {scpnum}'
ntf_announcment_cassie_no_scp: 'MTFUnit epsilon 11 designated {designation} hasentered AllRemaining NoSCPsLeft'
# Custom Cassie glitch chance.
glitch_chance: 0.0500000007
# Custom Cassie jam chance.
jam_chance: 0.0500000007
id: 3
role: NtfCaptain
max_health: 150
name: 'UIU Leader'
description: 'Help MTFs to finish their job'
custom_info: 'UIU Leader'
- 'KeycardNTFLieutenant'
- 'GunCrossvec'
- 'GunCOM18'
- 'Medkit'
- 'Adrenaline'
- 'Radio'
- 'GrenadeHE'
- 'ArmorCombat'
Nato556: 80
Nato9: 100
limit: 0
dynamic_spawn_points: []
static_spawn_points: []
- role: NtfCaptain
chance: 100
custom_abilities: []
keep_position_on_spawn: false
keep_inventory_on_spawn: false
removal_kills_player: true
keep_role_on_death: false
spawn_chance: 0
ignore_spawn_system: false
keep_role_on_changing_role: false
# The broadcast content
content: ''
# The broadcast duration
duration: 10
# The broadcast type
type: Normal
# Indicates whether the broadcast should be shown or not
show: true
display_custom_item_messages: true
x: 1
y: 1
z: 1
custom_role_f_f_multiplier: {}
console_message: 'You have spawned as a custom role!'
ability_usage: 'Enter ".special" in the console to use your ability. If you have multiple abilities, you can use this command to cycle through them, or specify the one to use with ".special ROLENAME AbilityNum"'
# Options for UIU Agent:
id: 2
role: NtfSergeant
max_health: 130
name: 'UIU Agent'
description: 'Help MTFs to finish their job'
custom_info: 'UIU Agent'
- 'KeycardNTFLieutenant'
- 'GunCrossvec'
- 'GunCOM18'
- 'Medkit'
- 'Adrenaline'
- 'Radio'
- 'GrenadeHE'
- 'ArmorCombat'
Nato556: 80
Nato9: 100
limit: 0
dynamic_spawn_points: []
static_spawn_points: []
- role: NtfSergeant
chance: 100
custom_abilities: []
keep_position_on_spawn: false
keep_inventory_on_spawn: false
removal_kills_player: true
keep_role_on_death: false
spawn_chance: 0
ignore_spawn_system: false
keep_role_on_changing_role: false
# The broadcast content
content: ''
# The broadcast duration
duration: 10
# The broadcast type
type: Normal
# Indicates whether the broadcast should be shown or not
show: true
display_custom_item_messages: true
x: 1
y: 1
z: 1
custom_role_f_f_multiplier: {}
console_message: 'You have spawned as a custom role!'
ability_usage: 'Enter ".special" in the console to use your ability. If you have multiple abilities, you can use this command to cycle through them, or specify the one to use with ".special ROLENAME AbilityNum"'
# Options for UIU Soldier:
id: 1
role: NtfPrivate
max_health: 120
name: 'UIU Soldier'
description: 'Help MTFs to finish their job'
custom_info: 'UIU Soldier'
- 'KeycardNTFLieutenant'
- 'GunCrossvec'
- 'GunCOM18'
- 'Medkit'
- 'Adrenaline'
- 'Radio'
- 'GrenadeHE'
- 'ArmorCombat'
Nato556: 80
Nato9: 100
limit: 0
dynamic_spawn_points: []
static_spawn_points: []
- role: NtfPrivate
chance: 100
custom_abilities: []
keep_position_on_spawn: false
keep_inventory_on_spawn: false
removal_kills_player: true
keep_role_on_death: false
spawn_chance: 0
ignore_spawn_system: false
keep_role_on_changing_role: false
# The broadcast content
content: ''
# The broadcast duration
duration: 10
# The broadcast type
type: Normal
# Indicates whether the broadcast should be shown or not
show: true
display_custom_item_messages: true
x: 1
y: 1
z: 1
custom_role_f_f_multiplier: {}
console_message: 'You have spawned as a custom role!'
ability_usage: 'Enter ".special" in the console to use your ability. If you have multiple abilities, you can use this command to cycle through them, or specify the one to use with ".special ROLENAME AbilityNum"'