MarcoEzekiel / go-zcashaddress

A set of parsers for zcash in a variety of langages
Apache License 2.0
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Go Zcash Address parser

A golang implementation of zcash address parsers

Parsing and serialization for Zcash addresses, including:

The main function in this library, DecodeAddress() takes a string and a Network and returns a struct of with the following definition and any errors.

type ZcashAddress struct {
  P2pkh   *[20]byte
  P2sh    *[20]byte
  Sapling *[43]byte
  Unified *unifiedaddress.UnifiedAddress
  Tex     *[20]byte

Note that only one of these values will be non-nil.

The Network struct

type Network struct {
  p2pkhLead    [2]byte
  p2shLead     [2]byte
  texHRP       string
  saplingHRP   string
  unifiedHRP   string
  unifiedR1HRP string

provides the encoding prefixes for the Mainnet, Testnet, and Regtest networks.

A set of convenience methods: DecodeP2pkh(), DecodeP2sh(), DecodeSapling(), and DecodeOrchard() have been provided for direct decoding to a specific type.

The length of the encoding is limited by f4jumble to 4194368 bytes in accordance with

A unified address contains a map of Unknown Encodings of unknown lengths.

type UnifiedAddress struct {
  P2pkh   *[20]byte
  P2sh    *[20]byte
  Sapling *[43]byte
  Orchard *[43]byte
  Unknown map[uint64][]byte

Entries in the Unknown map correspond to unified address receivers and metadata entries that do not correspond to typecodes understood by this library.

Implementation patterns can be found in the zcashaddress_test.go found in this repository.

Test Vectors in the file zcashaddress_test.go are a port of the vectors found at