MarcoLandtHayen / predict_sahel_rainfall

Predict rainfall in the African Sahel region with various machine learning and deep learning methods.
MIT License
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Build Status codecov License:MIT Docker Image Version (latest by date)


In this project, we aim to predict rainfall in the African Sahel region with various machine learning and deep learning methods. As data, we use a CICMoD - a climate index collection based on model data from two state-of-the-art earth system models. For details, see:


For now, we're developing in a Docker container with JupyterLab environment, Tensorflow and several extensions, based on martinclaus/py-da-stack.

To start a JupyterLab within this container, run

$ docker pull mlandthayen/py-da-tf:shap
$ docker run -p 8888:8888 --rm -it -v $PWD:/work -w /work mlandthayen/py-da-tf:shap jupyter lab --ip=

and open the URL starting on

Then, open a Terminal within JupyterLab and run

$ python -m pip install -e .

to have a local editable installation of the package.

Container Image

Additionally, there's a container image having predict_sahel_rainfall as pre-installed Python package:

Use with Docker

You can use it wherever Docker is installed by running:

$ docker pull mlandthayen/predict_sahel_rainfall:<tag>
$ docker run -p 8888:8888 --rm -it -v $PWD:/work -w /work mlandthayen/predict_sahel_rainfall:<tag> jupyter lab --ip=

and open the URL starting on Here, <tag> can either be latest or a more specific tag.

Use with Singularity

You can use it wherever Singularity is installed by essentially running:

$ singularity pull --disable-cache <target.sif> docker://mlandthayen/predict_sahel_rainfall:<tag>
$ singularity run --bind $WORK <target.sif> jupyter lab --no-browser --ip $(hostname) $WORK

Here, <tag> can either be latest or a more specific tag. And <target.sif>specifies the target file to store the container image.

Project based on the cookiecutter science project template.