MarcoMuellner / soccerbot

MIT License
1 stars 1 forks source link

The soccerbot [Build Status]

Introducing soccerbot: A discord bot that automatically creates Match channels, posts live updates and many more things to come.


All information on this project is available under It includes all currently active features, commando documentation as well as an installation guide. This is the central point for all information on the bot and will be kept up to date with the currently active release.


Before asking for any help, please refer to the website above. If this doesn't help you, there are two points where you can receive help:


If you like the bot and want to buy me a beer, here is a link for that if you like.

Want to contribute?

If you want to help improve the bot, don't hesitate to fork the repo, implement/fix an issue if you like and create a pull request. I am happy about all the help i get, and will respond to it as soon as possible.


Special thanks to @Nascimento#3578 and the football discord server, who gave a huge amount of input, helped with development and provided me with most of the ideas implemented in this bot.