Marcy-Project / mod-7-react-api-project

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React and 3rd Party API Project


Hello everyone, it's been a whirlwind, but believe it or not, you know more than enough to get your React project started! You've already built projects just like this one using Vanilla JS. The whole idea behind this one is that you'll see how much faster and farther you can build when you use a tool like React.

Learning Objectives


For this project, your team will collectively be on the hook for the following:


App Overview

Your app will have to use a third party API to fetch data, but instead of only 2 fetches, you'll have to make 3! And unlike your previous projects that all took place using a single page, this time you're going to use client side routing to create multiple "pages"! And while it does not need to be everywhere, you must use context at least once in your app.

There are, of course more specifics below in the checklist, but at its heart, all we're asking for is an app that:

APIs and Keys

You are free to use any API that you choose; there are a few things we will require


Deployment will not be a requirement for this project.

Depending on which of the above options you choose, you may or may not be able to easily deploy your application. That said, you are strongly encouraged to use a free API without an API key as it is MUCH easier to deploy. Here is the list of APIs we recommend: free APIs

As a reminder, check out this resource for deploying a Vite project to Github pages.

Proposal and Timeline

As a part of your proposal, you will need to submit a document that includes the following:

Use this template that has been provided for you: proposal template.


This one is up to you! But here's the catch: we'll hold you to it. You've done a few of these projects by now, so you should know about how much work you can get done in a week. You know what we're expecting you to get done by the end (3 fetches, multi-page routing, React), so you can work backward from there.

Before you start your project, you'll have to submit the deadlines you think you can hit and get it approved. Don't go crazy! This exercise is about setting realistic deadlines for your team.

💡 Pro Tip: It's always better to under-promise and over-deliver.

Make sure you look over the entire project and think about what will take the most time.

Scrum Board

Your team must create a GitHub Organization and a Scrum board to manage your tasks. Each morning during stand-up, you will update your scrum board and assign tasks.

Use this scrumboard as an example.

Project Presentation

At the end of the project week, your team will present your project to the class in the form of a presentation! The presentation should feature speaking roles by each member of the team and include a short (under 2 minutes) recording of the built application. The entire presentation should last no longer than 5 minutes.

Use the following template and example

Agile Written Reflection

During project weeks at Marcy, you get to practice the Agile Methodology. Your team will:

In addition to the technical component of this project, your team will write a short reflection on your week (~250 words) thinking critically about how you and your team practiced the Agile methodology.

See the Agile Methodology Reflection document for the specific questions you are expected to reflect on.

Only one reflection per group is required.

Tech Checklist

Project Fundamentals

React Fundamentals

Advanced React

