MarekRudzki / TalkBridge

Voice translator
3 stars 2 forks source link
cubit dart flutter translator voice-translator

TalkBridge - voice translator

Voice translator app which allows users to easily communicate with each others.

Table of contents

General info

The application allows instant translation of text or speech into dozens of languages. With a split screen, it simplifies communication between speakers from different countries. The application uses speech-to-text and text-to-speech conversion technology.

:star: What's included

:hammer_and_wrench: App created with


Project was created with:

How to run

  1. Copy repository link.
    git clone
  2. Open command prompt and navigate to the path where you want to clone repo.
  3. Paste copied link and hit enter.
  4. Congrats, you have successfully cloned this repository in your computer!
  5. Open project in IDE of your choice and run the app.

Hey There!

About Me

I am a Flutter enthusiast from Poland.

:hammer_and_wrench: Languages and Tools

Flutter  Dart  VSCode  Firebase

:fire: My Stats

GitHub Streak