Marginal / GroundTraffic

Animated ground vehicle traffic kit for X-Plane
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
10 stars 12 forks source link

GroundTraffic kit for X-Plane®

This kit allows X-Plane scenery designers to add animated ground vehicle traffic to airport scenery packages.

The repo contains assets intended for scenery designers, plus the source code to the X-Plane plugin that performs the animations. Scenery designer oriented documention is contained in the file ReadMe.html.

Building the plugin

The plugin is built from the src directory.

Mac 32 & 64 bit fat binary:

make -f Makefile.mac

Linux 32 & 64 bit binaries:

make -f Makefile.lin

Windows 32 or 64 bit binary:

vcvarsall [target]
nmake -f