MarineSensitivity / server

server setup for R Shiny apps, RStudio IDE, R Plumber API, PostGIS database, pg_tileserv
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upgrade gdal and R using r2u to have unlimited GeoTIFF metadata #9

Open bbest opened 3 weeks ago

bbest commented 3 weeks ago

Problem with terra::writeRaster():

Metadata exceeding 32000 bytes cannot be written into GeoTIFF. Transferred to PAM instead.


This limitation came from the initial revision of metadata writing, in e86e2db, 20 years ago. There's no limitation in the TIFF spec nor in libtiff itself, to text tag data larger than 32 KB, so just remove it.

terra::gdal() # "3.4.1" on server

terra::gdal() # "3.5.3" on Mac

GDAL 3.5.0 - Overview of Changes May 9, 2022

bbest commented 3 weeks ago

r2u, stars