Mark-Eis / BitsnBobs

For General Bits and Bobs of Code
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R Package For General Bits and Bobs of Code

Author: Mark C. Eisler


ORCID = 0000-0001-6843-3345


You can install the development version of BitsnBobs from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

BitsnBobs Package Description: –

The BitsnBobs R package does this and that using functions: –

as_decdeg(), as_degmin(), as_degminsec(), as_rostido(), boxcox3(), browse(), cat_names(), cc_rate(), cohens_kappa(), const(), coord(), cor_coef.test(), count_lgl(), data_wizard(), decdeg(), degminsec(), design_effect(), detective(), detective<-(), eff_rate(), endstop(), endstop_data(), facet_histo(), fct_to_num(), formul_pwrseq(), get_amortint(), get_amortval(), iterate(), j(), j2eff_rate(), known_s3generics(), kurt(), kurt.test(), kurtosis(), kurtosis.test(), kwd_cols(), kwd_cols<-(), lf(), lgl_cols(), list_lgl(), logit(), ls_all(), marker(), method_info(), most_recent_fname(), nom_rate(), opt_bc(), phi_coef(), phi_coef.test(), power_seq(), print_all(), print_lf(), prob_from_logit(), read_triodos_csv(), recursive(), remplacer(), retriever(), revmat(), rm_objects(), s3_in_namespace(), s3debug(), s3mag7(), sample_size(), skew(),skew.test(), skewness(), skewness.test(), split_to_cols(), split_to_rows(), starsig(), sum_lgl(), triodos_fname(), wizard();

infix operators: –


and datasets: –

heights, litter_sizes, starwars2 and starwars3.


This is a basic example which shows you how to use a few of the BitsnBobs functions: –

## Use dplyr::starwars data
starwars <- dplyr::starwars

## Extract and sort unique values of the "homeworld" column in the starwars data
starwars |> wizard(homeworld)
## …and paste them into a character string.
starwars |> wizard(homeworld, ", ")

## Find strings containing the pattern "Darth" in the starwars "name" column
starwars |> detective(name, .pattern = "Darth")
## Modify strings containing the pattern "Darth" but not "Vader" in the "name" column
starwars |> detective(name, .pattern = "Darth", .exclude = "Vader") <- "Darth The First"
## Find strings containing the pattern "Darth" in the revised data in descending order
starwars |> detective(name, .pattern = "Darth", .arrange_by = desc(name))

## Create a "retrieval" function for the starwars data frame using "name" as index
retrieve_starwars <- retriever(starwars, name)
## … and retrieve selected columns for row(s) specified using the "name" index
retrieve_starwars("Luke Skywalker", ends_with("color"), homeworld)

## Create a replacement function using "name" as index
`replace_at_name<-` <- remplacer(name)
## Replace the value in the "homeworld" column for row(s) specified using the "name" index
starwars |> replace_at_name("Luke Skywalker", homeworld) <- "Mimiland"
## Retrieve selected columns for row(s) specified using the "name" index
retrieve_starwars("Luke Skywalker", ends_with("color"), homeworld)