Marlon668 / VerificationClaimsWithTimeAttribution

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Implicit Temporal Reasoning for Evidence-Based Fact-Checking

This is the code for the 'Implicit Temporal Reasoning for Evidence-Based Fact-Checking' paper.


Package Version
aiohttp 3.8.3
aiosignal 1.3.1
allennlp 2.10.1
allennlp-models 2.10.1
async-timeout 4.0.2
attrs 22.1.0
base58 2.1.1
blis 0.7.8
boto3 1.24.90
botocore 1.27.90
cached-path 1.1.6
cachetools 5.2.0
catalogue 2.0.8
certifi 2022.9.24
charset-normalizer 2.1.1
click 8.1.3
colorama 0.4.5
commonmark 0.9.1
conllu 4.4.2
contourpy 1.0.5
cycler 0.11.0
cymem 2.0.6
datasets 2.9.0
dill 0.3.6
docker-pycreds 0.4.0
en-core-web-sm 3.3.0
fairscale 0.4.6
filelock 3.7.1
fonttools 4.37.4
frozenlist 1.3.3
fsspec 2023.1.0
ftfy 6.1.1
gitdb 4.0.9
GitPython 3.1.29
google-api-core 2.8.2
google-auth 2.12.0
google-cloud-core 2.3.2
google-cloud-storage 2.5.0
google-crc32c 1.5.0
google-resumable-media 2.4.0
googleapis-common-protos 1.56.4
h5py 3.7.0
huggingface-hub 0.10.1
idna 3.4
iniconfig 1.1.1
Jinja2 3.1.2
jmespath 1.0.1
joblib 1.2.0
kiwisolver 1.4.4
langcodes 3.3.0
lmdb 1.3.0
lxml 4.9.1
MarkupSafe 2.1.1
matplotlib 3.6.1
more-itertools 8.14.0
multidict 6.0.4
multiprocess 0.70.14
murmurhash 1.0.8
nltk 3.7
numpy 1.23.1
packaging 21.3
pandas 1.5.0
pathtools 0.1.2
pathy 0.6.2
Pillow 9.2.0
pip 21.3.1
pluggy 1.0.0
preshed 3.0.7
promise 2.3
protobuf 3.20.0
psutil 5.9.2
py 1.11.0
py-rouge 1.1
pyarrow 11.0.0
pyasn1 0.4.8
pyasn1-modules 0.2.8
pydantic 1.8.2
Pygments 2.13.0
pyparsing 3.0.9
pytest 7.1.3
python-dateutil 2.8.2
pytz 2022.4
PyYAML 6.0
regex 2022.9.13
requests 2.28.1
responses 0.18.0
rich 12.1.0
rsa 4.9
s3transfer 0.6.0
sacremoses 0.0.53
scikit-learn 1.1.2
scipy 1.9.0
sentencepiece 0.1.97
sentry-sdk 1.9.10
setproctitle 1.3.2
setuptools 60.2.0
shortuuid 1.0.9
six 1.16.0
smart-open 5.2.1
smmap 5.0.0
spacy 3.3.1
spacy-legacy 3.0.10
spacy-loggers 1.0.3
srsly 2.4.4
tensorboardX 2.5.1
termcolor 1.1.0
thinc 8.0.17
threadpoolctl 3.1.0
tokenizers 0.12.1
tomli 2.0.1
torch 1.11.0
torchvision 0.12.0
tqdm 4.64.1
traitlets 5.4.0
transformers 4.20.1
typer 0.4.2
typing_extensions 4.4.0
urllib3 1.26.12
wandb 0.12.21
wasabi 0.10.1
wcwidth 0.2.6
wheel 0.37.1
word2number 1.1
xxhash 3.2.0
yarl 1.8.2

HeidelTime is provided as a maven project to automatically set the dependencies on HeidelTime. However it also needs TreeTagger. Install TreeTagger and set the path to TreeTagger in config.props.



We use the Multi-FC dataset for training and evaluating the models. This data could be downloaded from Do the following things:

Preprocessing of the data

In this section we describe with preprocessing of the data. For running the code in this section and the next section, it is assumed that those are run from the root of the project. First install the English pipeline en_core_web_sm by running this command:

python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

Open Information Extraction

For doing open information extraction, run the file with as first argument the type of dataset: Dev, Train and Test (called mode in the code) and as second argument the path to the dataset. This would create a folder OpenInformation if it isn't already made and the open information extraction of the claim and evidence snippets will be stored in that folder. E.g.for extracting the open information of the claim and evidence snippets of the Train dataset, run the following command:

python Train train/train.tsv

Editing article text of claim and snippet

The file contains two editing functions:

Those two functions have 4 arguments mode, path, withTitle and withPretext. The mode and path are just like Open Information Extraction respectively the type of the dataset (Dev, Train and Dev) and the path to the dataset. withTitle enables the adjustment of the title in the beginning of the text. withPretext gives more context to the different parts, aka with title this gives the following structure: "The claim/evidence with the title '" + title + "' says " + articleText. while if the option withTitle is not chosen, this gives "The claim/evidence says " + articleText. Each of the functions would create a folder text if it isn't already made and the text editing of the claim and evidence snippets will be stored in that folder. If you prefer raw article text as input for the models, run editArticleText with withTitle and withPretext set to false. In the paper raw article text is used as input. E.g. for editing the text of the claim and snippets of the Train dataset with uppercase-editing, added title and pre-text as options, run the following command:

python editArticleTextWithUppercaseEditing Train train/train.tsv true true

You could also save the edited text in a different folder, by adding the desired savelocation as extra argument. However the following commands are needed to be executed for constructing the dataset for training the models.

python editArticleTextWithUppercaseEditing Train train/train.tsv true true textLocal
python editArticleText Train train/train.tsv true true textHeidelTime

Processing the publication date of the claim and evidence

This process is needed for predicting the verification label of claims with use of the publication date of the claim and evidence (division1DifferencePublication). For this the following steps are needed (should be executed in this order):

1) Writing the claim date to a file

The first thing to do is writing the publication date of each claim to a file. To do this, run writeClaimDate in with as arguments the type of the dataset (Dev, Train, Test) and path to that dataset. This will copy the publication time to a new file "tenses-"+mode(dev, train or test)+".txt" with a structure claimId tab publication time. E.g. to copy the publication time of each claim in the training dataset to tenses-train.txt, run the following command:

python writeClaimDate Train train/train.tsv

2) Normalising the publication time of the claim via Heideltime.

The next step is to normalise the publication date of each claim by the use of Heidetime, execute located in the folder HeidelTime with the following arguments:

as argument the path to "tenses-"+mode(dev, train or test)+".txt". For each claim the timex normalisation of the publication date will be saved in a xml file with as name claimId.xml and stored in the given folder ProcessedDates.

3) Optional: Write optional publication time of snippets to file and normalise them by Heideltime.

At default, only the publication date with as structure Abbreviated month name. day, year (e.g. May 2, 2017) are considered as the publication date of the evidence. If no such date is available, it is considered that the evidence has no publication date. However an optional method is provided to search at the beginning of the evidence for a timex or for a timex near the verbs 'Published' or 'Posted'. The function writeOptionalTimeSnippet with as arguments the mode of the given dataset and the path to the dataset searches for those timexes and write the passages that could contain the publication date in a file with as name the snippet number in the folder snippetDates/$claimId, e.g. snippetDates/abbc00006/6. For doing this for each evidence of the train dataset, you could run this command:

python writeOptionalTimeSnippet Train train/train.tsv

After the text sections are written to a file, HeidelTime will try to detect a timex and normalise those timexes in a regular form. This is done by running in the HeidelTime folder with the following arguments:

Extracting the timexes out of the text with Heideltime

This step consists out of two parts. In the first part, the publication date of the claim and evidence are gathered. These dates are used as the DCT with the news variant of Heideltime. If the publication time of the claim or evidence is not available, the narratives version of Heideltime is used.

1) Gathering the publication date of the claims or evidence

For gathering the publication date of the claims or evidence, run writeDateToFile in the file with params the mode of the given dataset and the path to the dataset, e.g. for the Train set, this comes down to running this command:

python writeDateToFile Train train/train.tsv

This would write the dates to data/data.txt and the claimIds and evidencenumber for linking the dates to the respective claim and evidence in data/indices.txt.

2) Extracting and normalising the timexes out of the text

Next, to extracting and normalising the timexes out of the claim/evidence and writing them to a xml file in timeml format in a new folder named processedTimes, run located in HeidelTime with the following arguments:

Constructing the time bins

In this step, the construction of the time bins will be explained. The files differencePublicationDate.txt and differenceTimexesInText.txt describe the bins used for differentiate the claims/evidence respectevely by publication date or timexes in the text. Each line in these files introduces a bin defined by two elements: the left and right end point of the closed interval, e.g. -145 -35 defines the interval between 145 and 35 days before the publication date of the claim with -145 and -35 included. These bins are written in chronological order. The included files define the bins used in the paper, but these could also be custom made. There is also an option available to search for alernative bins where each bin contains a similar number of claim/evidence. This is suggestion is done by the use of pandas qcut. For doing this, run with either 'divisionByPublicationDate' or 'differenceTimexesInText' as first argument and then the mode and the path to the dataset as second or third parameter. This would first save the differences in respectevely the files 'differenceDaysPublicationDate.txt' and 'differenceDaysTimexesInText.txt'. Thereafter by reading that file it shows a suggestion of the bins by use of qcut. For some values of k bins, qcut gives an error, but you could experiment quickly with a number of k by uncommenting the call to analyseExpansion1 or analyseExpansion2 on line 639 or 643 of But for doing everything together you could run for example this command for getting a suggestion for the bins when dividing by publication date when using the training dataset:

python divisionByPublicationDate Train train/train.tsv

Training and evaluating the various verification models

The various verification models are located in the following locations:

For training the basemodel run baseModel/ when using a BiLSTM as encoder or when using a DistilRoBERTA model with the following arguments:

For evaluating the various models in terms of micro- and macroF1, run the above files with the following arguments:

Model with attribution of the publication date

The paper discusses two ways to adjust the claim/snippetencoding with the timeattribution of the publication date: a global and a local adding. We start with discussing the global method and thereafter the execution method for the local model will be described.

Global model

For training the global model run division1DifferencePublication/ when using a BiLSTM as encoder or division1DifferencePublication/ when using a DistilRoBERTA model with the following arguments:

For evaluating the various models in terms of micro- and macroF1, run the above files with the following arguments:

Local model

For training the local model run division1DifferencePublication/ when using a BiLSTM as encoder or division1DifferencePublication/ when using a DistilRoBERTA model with the following arguments:

For evaluating the various models in terms of micro- and macroF1, run the above files with the following arguments:

Model with attribution of the in text timexes

The paper discusses two ways to adjust the claim/snippetencoding with the timeattribution of timexes described in the text: a global and a local adding. We start with discussing the global method and thereafter the execution method for the local model will be described.

Global model

For training the global model run division2DifferenceTimeText/ when using a BiLSTM as encoder or division2DifferenceTimeText/ when using a DistilRoBERTA model with the following arguments:

For evaluating the various models in terms of micro- and macroF1, run the above files with the following arguments:

Local model

For training the local model run division2DifferenceTimeText/ when using a BiLSTM as encoder or division2DifferenceTimeText/ when using a DistilRoBERTA model with the following arguments:

For evaluating the various models in terms of micro- and macroF1, run the above files with the following arguments:

Model with attribution of both the publication date and the in text timexes

For training the model run division1And2/ when using a BiLSTM as encoder or division1And2/ when using a DistilRoBERTA model with the following arguments:

For evaluating the various models in terms of micro- and macroF1, run the above files with the following arguments:

Running the experiments

Time and text attributions

The code for these tests are based on The files,, and attributionEverything describe the calculatation for the time and text attributions for the BiLSTM versions of respectively Basemodel and the global models of Model with attribution of the publication date, Model with attribution of the in text timexes and Model with attribution of both the publication date and the in text timexes.