Marmo / debitum

free and libre IOU tracker for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
88 stars 7 forks source link
android iou money


Translation status

With Debitum you can track all kinds of IOUs, be it money or lent items. This way you will never more forget if your friend already gave you back that book or dispute about how much you owe your colleague for coffee.

The intended use case is to manage (smaller) personal debts and lent items. To keep things simple, things like interest, deadlines, fees etc. will not be an integral part of the app (though the description could somehow be used for that, but I would generally recommend to use more specialised apps for this).

There is no online service whatsoever involved, so your data is saved on your device only (as far as this app is concerned).

The UI is inspired by UOme by Pikadorama.




This is used for linking phone contacts to persons. You can safely deny this permission and use Debitum without linking contacts.


People list Money Money filtered Items Items filtered Create Transaction Dialog Settings

Dark mode


You are welcome to contribute to translations.

Translation status


All code in this repository is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.

Menu icons and parts of the launcher icon (pen, dollar-sign) are Material Icons by Google, licensed under the Apache License 2.0.