MartinHaeusler / chronos

The Chronos versioning project aims to provide easy-to-use and reliable versioned data storage.
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Attention: You are looking at the OLD version of Chronos.

The new repository can be found here:

The Chronos Project

What is it?

The Chronos Project is an academic research project. It's aim is to provide simple versioned storage, for everyone. Chronos consists of several components, which will be released as soon as the corresponding research work is published.


Currently, the following Chronos Components are available in the public repository:

Version History

If somebody is wondering why the version numbers are "jumping" upwards: intermediate releases have been used for internal testing. Only releases that we consider fully stable will be released and published on this repository. This GitHub repository is not our development repository, so changes here will be infrequent.



0.5.x Early Release

Frequently Asked Questions

What about licencing?

The Chronos Project is based on a dual-license. For academic and open-source projects, the general license is the aGPLv3 license, unless noted otherwise. Commercial licenses are also available on demand.

BY CONTRIBUTING TO CHRONOS, YOU AGREE THAT YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS WILL BE LICENSED UNDER THE aGPL v3 LICENSE. Furthermore, by contributing to ChronoSphere, you hereby grant to Martin Häusler and any recipients of your contributions, including but not limited to users of this site, a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, use, make and distribute your contributions and any derivative works under all intellectual property rights including but not limited to copyright and patent. BY CONTRIBUTING TO CHRONOS, YOU REPRESENT AND WARRANT THAT YOU ARE LEGALLY ENTITLED TO GRANT THE FOREGOING LICENSE.