MartinKBeck / TwitterScraper

Repository containing all files relevant to my basic and advanced tweet scraping articles.
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Scraping Tweets from Twitter

This repository contains various materials that follow my series of tweet scraping articles.

The ScraperV4 folder contains materials from my Twitter scraping tutorial article available here. This article covers:


All materials pertaining to the following below sections are outdated. Materials are left for archival reasons. Many API changes prevent scrapers like snscrape and GetOldTweets3 to work. The only current version that consistently works is using Twitter API V2 which is shown in the above section
If you raise any issues on my code, please refer to the specific sub-directory and Python libraries used so I can know where to help.

The BasicScraper folder contains materials from my beginner scraping tutorial article available here.
This article covers:

The AdvScraper folder contains materials from my advanced scraping tutorial article available here.
This article covers:

The snscrape folder contains materials from my snscrape scraping tutorial article available here.
This article covers: