This HDMI core is mainly inspired from vhdl-hdmi-out project.
To use it locally, first clone the repository then publish it locally :
$ git clone
$ cd HdmiCore
$ sbt publishLocal
HdmiCore use fpgamacro project to work. It must be published locally too :
$ git clone
$ cd fpgamacro
$ sbt publishLocal
On your personnal build.sbt
project add the following line :
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
// ...
"com.armadeus" %% "hdmicore" % "6.2.0"
First launch sbt then generate simple pattern for Tang Nano 4K board:
$ sbt
sbt:hdmicore> runMain hdmicore.platforms.TangNano4k
[info] running hdmicore.platforms.TangNano4k
Elaborating design...
H_DISPLAY UInt<11>(1280)
V_DISPLAY UInt<10>(720)
hregsize 11
vregsize 10
Done elaborating.
A file named TangNano4k.v
should be generated, it's the verilog file for the
entire project (the TOP component)
Then launch gowin_ide and create a project with fpga part named GW1NSR-LV4CQN48PC7/I6
Once project created do not forget to activate MODE
pin as a standard IO in menu
Project->Configuration->Dual-Purpose Pin
and select use MODE as regular IO
It's for led blinking :)
Then finaly add these files (prefere to not copy in local directory):
Then launch synthesis and place&route
Finally flash your board with openFPGALoader:
$ openFPGALoader ide/tangnano4khdmi/impl/pnr/tangnano4khdmi.fs
write to ram
Jtag frequency : requested 6.00MHz -> real 6.00MHz
Parse file Parse ide/tangnano4khdmi/impl/pnr/tangnano4khdmi.fs:
Jtag frequency : requested 2.50MHz -> real 2.00MHz
erase SRAM Done
Flash SRAM: [==================================================] 100.00%
SRAM Flash: Success
Plug HDMI then enjoy the result.
First launch sbt then generate simple pattern for Tang Nano 9K board:
$ sbt
sbt:hdmicore> runMain hdmicore.platforms.TangNano9k
[info] running hdmicore.platforms.TangNano9k
Elaborating design...
H_DISPLAY UInt<11>(1280)
V_DISPLAY UInt<10>(720)
hregsize 11
vregsize 10
Done elaborating.
A file named TangNano9k.v
should be generated, it's the verilog file for the
entire project (the TOP component)
Then launch gowin_ide and create a project with fpga part named GW1NSR-LV4CQN48PC7/I6
Once project created do not forget to activate MODE
pin as a standard IO in menu
Project->Configuration->Dual-Purpose Pin
and select use MODE as regular IO
It's for led blinking :)
Then finaly add these files (prefere to not copy in local directory):
Then launch synthesis and place&route
Finally flash your board with openFPGALoader:
$ openFPGALoader ide/tangnano4khdmi/impl/pnr/tangnano9khdmi.fs
write to ram
Jtag frequency : requested 6.00MHz -> real 6.00MHz
Parse file Parse ide/tangnano4khdmi/impl/pnr/tangnano9khdmi.fs:
Jtag frequency : requested 2.50MHz -> real 2.00MHz
erase SRAM Done
Flash SRAM: [==================================================] 100.00%
SRAM Flash: Success
Plug HDMI then enjoy the result.