Marvelution / mpac-version-publisher

Apache License 2.0
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MPAC Version Publisher

A CLI tool to publish new app versions to the Atlassian Marketplace. Simply run the tool: java -jar mpac-version-publisher-1-SNAPSHOT.jar. If additional arguments are provided CommandLinePublisherConfiguration is used. Otherwise, EnvironmentPublisherConfiguration is used.


Configuring the tool using the org.marvelution.buildsupport.configuration.CommandLinePublisherConfiguration takes the following arguments:

$ java -jar mpac-version-publisher-1-SNAPSHOT.jar -h

Missing required options: mu, mt, vap
usage: jar [-D] [-dr] [-h] [-isf] [-j <arg>] [-jpk <arg>] [-jql <arg>]
[-jt <arg>] [-ju <arg>] [-jvf <arg>] [-m <arg>] -mt <arg> -mu <arg>
[-pm <arg>] [-rnp <arg>] -vap <arg> [-vs <arg>] [-w <arg>]
-D,--debug                           Enable debug logging
-dr,--dry-run                        Dry run the publishing
-h,--help                            Print this help message
-isf                                 Use Issue Security Filter
-j,--jira-base-url <arg>             Jira base url
-jpk,--jira-project-key <arg>        Jira project key
-jql <arg>                           Additional JQL
-jt,--jira-token <arg>               Jira token
-ju,--jira-user <arg>                Jira username
-jvf,--jira-version-format <arg>     Jira version format
-m,--marketplace-base-url <arg>      Atlassian Marketplace base url
-mt,--marketplace-token <arg>        Atlassian Marketplace token
-mu,--marketplace-user <arg>         Atlassian Marketplace username
-pm,--payment-model <arg>            Payment Model
-rnp,--release-notes-path <arg>      Release notes path
-vap,--version-artifact-path <arg>   Version artifact path
-vs,--version-status <arg>           Version Status
-w,--work-dir <arg>                  Work directory


Configuring the tool via the org.marvelution.buildsupport.configuration.EnvironmentPublisherConfiguration takes the following environment variables:

Variable Usage
MARKETPLACE_BASE_URL URL of the Marketplace instance, by default.
MARKETPLACE_USER (*) Username of the Atlassian account for Authentication. Example: human or
MARKETPLACE_TOKEN (*) Password of the Atlassian account for Authentication.
VERSION_ARTIFACT (*) The new version file to upload to the Marketplace.
VERSION_STATUS The version status, public or private, to publish the version as, public by default.
VERSION_PAYMENT_MODEL The version payment model, either free, vendor or atlassian. free by default.
JIRA_BASE_URL URL of Jira instance. Example: https://<yourdomain> or https://issues.<yourdomain>.com
JIRA_API_USER Username (Jira Server/Data Center) or Email address (Jira Cloud). Example: human or
JIRA_API_TOKEN Password/Access Token for Authorization. Example: HXe8DGg1iJd2AopzyxkFB7F2 (Jira Cloud How To)
JIRA_PROJECT_KEY Key of the Jira project that contains the version that should be released.
JIRA_VERSION_FORMAT Format used to get the Jira version name from the artifact version, %s by default. Example: server-%s.
ADDITIONAL_JQL Additional JQL to collect the Jira issues associated with the add-on version for release notes. Fields projectKey, fixVersion and statusCategory are added automatically.
ISSUE_SECURITY_LEVEL_FILTER Turn on to hide issues from the release notes that have a security level set, equivalent to JQL level is EMPTY. false by default.
DEBUG Turn on extra debug information. false by default.

(*) = required variable.